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Author : ravenclaw900

DietPi Dashboard v0.6.0 released

The v0.6.0 release of DietPi Dashboard brings many new features, changes, and bug fixes. For information on the dashboard itself, see the documentation. Here are some of the important changes: New Features Customizable Token Expiry The expiry time for the login token generated can now be changed in the config file (/opt/dietpi-dashboard/config.toml). Customizable Log Level […]

Using Beets with Other Software Titles – Why Should you use DietPi?

Recently, the music organizer Beets was added to DietPi. Using plugins or just the generic music folder, Beets works great with many other optimized software titles. Usage Beets is very simple to use, just run beet import /path/to/music to import music into your library. It will probably ask you some questions about the metadata of […]

Decentralized File Hosting on IPFS – Why Should you use DietPi?

Do you have some spare space on a hard drive, and want to help contribute to a decentralized internet? IPFS, the Inter-Planetary File System, can do that! This guide will assume that you already have a working DietPi installation. Topics covered What is IPFS? IPFS is a distributed file sharing system, that wants to “make […]

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