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Using Beets with Other Software Titles – Why Should you use DietPi?

Recently, the music organizer Beets was added to DietPi. Using plugins or just the generic music folder, Beets works great with many other optimized software titles.


Beets is very simple to use, just run beet import /path/to/music to import music into your library. It will probably ask you some questions about the metadata of the music to make sure it tags it correctly.

Adding Plugins

Adding plugins to Beets is very simple, all you need to do is add a plugins line to your config file at /etc/beets/config.yaml:

plugins: ipfs embyupdate fetchart embedart

See the full list of plugins at:


Beets works out of the box with many of DietPi’s music streaming software titles, just by importing by default into the generic music folder: /mnt/dietpi_userdata/Music.

Updating Libraries

Some of DietPi’s music streamers, namely Emby, Kodi, MPD, and Plex, require a library update whenever new music is added. Beets can do this automatically when adding new music by using the respective update plugins for those streamers (embyupdate, kodiupdate, etc.).


With the ipfs plugin, Beets lets you download music from and publish music to IPFS, by running beet ipfs -a to individually add songs, beet ipfs -p to publish your whole library, and beet ipfs -g <QMHash> to get a song from IPFS. Learn more about IPFS in my previous blog post:


Beets can also download music from YouTube and other popular video streaming sites, with the beets-ydl plugin. Since it is a community-made plugin, you need to install it: pip3 install beets-ydl. Note that this does require Python 3 installed through DietPi-Software. After it’s installed, run beet ydl '' to download and add music.

Read More

Further information and updated setup instructions and details can be found in our online documentation:

Using Beets with Other Software Titles – Why Should you use DietPi?

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