DietPi is a free and open source product which relies solely on your donations for funding.
If you found DietPi useful and want to support future development, please donate.
Purchase new and exciting boards, so we can implement a DietPi image and support it.
Add-on equipment for devices. This will allow us to implement them into DietPi (e.g.: LCD readout/touchscreen support, RPi camera module, etc)
Contribute to the DietPi Project
Help support DietPi by contributing your talent to the project. Here are some examples:
Provide feedback and/or test areas of DietPi, to improve the user experience.
Report bugs
Create a modern and clean website for DietPi
Compile software for Odroid and RPi systems
Create a new and exciting logo for DietPi
Contribute to DietPi with programming on GitHub
Suggest new software that we can add to the dietpi-software install system
If so, let us know! We are always looking for talented people who believe in the DietPi project, and, wish to contribute in any way you can.
Searching around, there seem to be regulatory restrictions between some sender and recipient countries. Sometimes the restriction is only related to the currency. I tried some other countries, and from Japan it is the same. In another case it was solved by allowing donations in Japanese Yen: About Donations |
Probably the same works in our case as well. In the end it should not matter much whether the currency conversion is done at your end or at ours.
… okay I checked the donation button options, and sadly I must select a single currency in which we can receive the donations. It says that senders can donate in any currency at it will be converted automatically, but this exactly seems to be not support from any into any other country/currency. I will contact PayPal support if they have an idea how to solve this.
Have you ever considered DietPi merch? I would love a DietPi t-shirt. You can have them printed and drop shipped from Custom Ink. I can help, if interested.
Hmm not really but something we could probably think of. Actually we are still missing someone who has graphic skills within the team or who could create images using AI.
For Pateon tiers, we use VistaPrint for stickers and mugs. Generally, the Logo could be also printed to a t-shirt and similar, when we switch to an SVG variant. VistaPrint offers all this, and I am still very satisfied with their quality and durability of stickers and mugs. For more fancy things than logo only: The AI generated images we use for release notes this year have too low resolution for printing to a t-shirt. But if someone is skilled with GIMP or similar, why not.
One problem is that I don’t know yet how to setup a web shop or something. We could tie it to Patreon memberships or PayPal donation >X or add something new, like GitHub sponsors, OpenCollective or Ko-fi. OpenCollective is actually my favourite, if adding a new donation option, but not sure whether it is suited for more shop like things as well.
I could probably handle this since I have some time, where would I find a higher quality original to get proportions etc…? Then I could generate SVG graphics of various iterations/versions from which someone could print things and whatever.