Services Failing after Swapping Backup Drives

yep thats possible. You can use the SD card to host the boot partition and your USB device will contain the RootFS (incl user data)

Steps to be done:

  1. copy all your user data back to SD card using dietpi-drive_manager, to get the original status
  2. un-mount the USB device
  3. do a reboot to check if all working fine
  4. do a full backup of your SD card
  5. boot your system up, it should now running on SD card fully, while USB device is not mounted
  6. go to dietpi-drive_manager
  7. select the unmounted USB device
  8. select Transfer RootFS
  9. now read the following instruction carefully and confirm
  10. format your USB device
  11. last chance to cancel :sunglasses:
  12. once done, you will be ask to select a mount point like /mnt/usb. This is just temporary
  13. as soon as the device is mounted, Drive Manager will stop all processes and start to copy your entire RootFS
  14. time for a coffee
  15. you will be ask to reboot your device once completed
  16. during reboot you might see some services failing like MariaDB. This is happening because Drive Manager missed to copy /mnt/dietpi_userdata :roll_eyes:
  17. don’t worry, let’s fix it
  18. go to dietpi-drive_manager
  19. select the unused partition /dev/mmcblk0p2 on your SD card
  20. mount the partition as /mnt/sd2
  21. exit Drive Manager
  22. change directory to cd /mnt/sd2/mnt
  23. let’s copy the missing data cp -p -r * /mnt/
  24. reboot your system
  25. now everything should working fine

If you encounter any issues on this, restore your backup to SD card :sunglasses:

Is there a reason why Drive Manager is not copying dietpi_userdata during RootFS relocation?