Update | RPi Stretch image is now default with DietPi v159

Great, must have been updated in the last day or so :slight_smile:

Are you planning on maintaining the Jessie images? Would the last Jessie releases be worth archiving for anyone that wishes to continue to use it for the moment?

We’ll support Jessie for as long as possible in the DietPi code. However, once we switch the image to Stretch, Jessie support/fixes will take less priority.


I think since the update from 158 to 159 i have problems with wifi and kernel dumps.
I had wifi problems before, but now i think it goes worser.
See the screenshot for details about the kernel dump.

Uh, it happens also with my BananaPi connected via LAN!
And with my RaspberryPi connected via Wifi (as told before).
The problem occurred after update to 159. Never had such dumps before!
Attached picture is from BananaPi.
What can i do? Can i help to discover the problem?

Hello you all,

How is this build (stretch) progressing? (miles away from a build for the odroidc2?)

Greetz from the Netherlands!