DietPi uses more RAM than RPiOS

(I can’t upload pics as a new user evidently. Cool rule)

Full, baremetal PC install (amd64)
302MB vs 238MB
is that expected behavior?

Usually not. Best to run test commands on both systems to be able to compare DietPi OS stats & comparison

Which systems did you compare?
A Native PC vs. Raspberry Pi?

I was assuming same hardware used.

Yes, sir, Native PC UEFI x64 system. Same vs. same.
I thought it was wild since RPiOS boots into a full desktop as well.

In your comparison, you have 2 differences:

  • ARM (aarch64) vs. PC (amd64)
  • RaspbianOS vs. Dietpi

So, I assume the main difference is in the aarch64 vs. amd64 architecture. Can you compare RaspbianOS vs. DietPi on the Raspberry only?

Pls run the comparison script as stated above.

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@sallystruthers : See also there: Comparison to other Debian based distributions – Why should you use DietPi? – DietPi Blog

I am not sure where the communication problem is. I am testing this on the exact same x86_64 (Intel 3060 Celeron) laptop. There are not two different architectures. It is a PC / amd64 laptop install comparison. There is no aarch64 system anywhere close to my workbench. Please stop talking about aarch64 in this comparison.

I have found only “Rasperry Pi Desktop for PC”.
Is this what you used?

You compare Raspberry Pi Desktop (32bit, based on bullseye) and DietPi (64bit, based on bookworm). So i think it’s not fair comparison.


If Raspberry Pi Desktop was used, that would also be my conclusion.
I was confused by the expression “RPiOS” and thought it was a Pi…

Say what now?

Use dpkg --print-architecture to see that you are using 32bit software.

You are right.

I didn’t even realise that i386 would install on a 64-bit UEFI system (many moons ago, this was the case). It must have a clever EFI architecture boot recognition.