
DietPi v132

25 September 2016
Changes / Improvements / Optimizations:

DietPi-Software | RPi: Added installation option for DXX-Rebirth
. (OpenGL port of Descent 1 & 2): https://dietpi.com/forum/t/dietpi-software-details-for-all-installation-options/22/73

DietPi-Software | Added installation option for Chromium. Please note, only RPi 2+ and Odroids
. support HW GPU acell at this time: https://dietpi.com/forum/t/dietpi-software-details-for-all-installation-options/22/74

DietPi-Software | Added installation option for NextCloud: https://dietpi.com/forum/t/dietpi-software-details-for-all-installation-options/22/75

DietPi-Software | XFCE will now install xfce4-terminal by default.
. Many thanks to UnixOutlaw for reporting this: https://dietpi.com/forum/t/xfce4-issues-pine-64/574/3

DietPi-Software | Cleaned up the default samba server config.
. Many thanks to Acriax: https://github.com/Fourdee/DietPi/issues/522

DietPi-Software | Php max upload size is now set automatically to the max capable on your device.
. Generally, 2GB for 32bit systems, 8796PB for 64bit systems. Used by programs such as Nextcloud.

DietPi-Software | UrBackup installation updated to 2.0.34.

DietPi-Update | Added a notice prior to update, with regards to: manually edited Linux configurations possibily affecting the update:
. https://github.com/Fourdee/DietPi/issues/525

DietPi-Drive_Manager | Added root FS (SD/EMMC) to list of drives, and an option to move userdata their also.

General | p7zip is now installed by default.
Bug fixes:

DietPi-Software | User data directory of “Auto” will only be displayed on 1st run.
. “Auto” has no effect after 1st run installation is completed.

DietPi-Software | Will now exit on a failed apt installation, rather than continue.
. This will prevent any further changes (including uninstalls) from occurring.
. Many thanks to oshank for reporting this issue: https://github.com/Fourdee/DietPi/issues/516

DietPi-Software | Resolved failed installation with NoMachine.
. Many thanks to Pilovali for reporting this: https://github.com/Fourdee/DietPi/issues/527

DietPi-Services | Resolved an issue where “Samba client” would trigger “Samba server” and result in a failed status:
. https://github.com/Fourdee/DietPi/issues/451

DietPi-Drive_Manager | Resolved an issue where moving user data, would result in loss of filesystem permissions.
. Many thanks to Zone22 for reporting this issue: https://github.com/Fourdee/DietPi/issues/523

DietPi-Backup | Default backup directory is now /mnt/dietpi-backup. Previously, USB drive would be used if available.
View Changelog in a chronological Order_- Donations / Support DietPi:_ | DietPi is a free product and relies solely on your donations for funding.
. If you found DietPi useful and want to support future development, please click here to find out more.
