Unable to see device on my network (headless) setup of my PI zero 2

Creating a bug report/issue

I have searched the existing open and closed issues

Required Information

  • DietPi version | DietPi_RPi-ARMv8-Bookworm
  • SBC model | (RP Zero 2 W)
  • Power supply used | (5V 2.5A P4721 AC Adapter)
  • SD card used | (EG: SanDisk edge)

Steps to reproduce

I’m unable to see my device on the network. I have tried doing a ping sweep and a pingscan using map. I also don’t see the device on my routers UI. I also tried the fings application on my phone and I don’t see it listed either.

Expected behaviour

I should be able to see the device on my network and connect to it via SSH

Actual behaviour

I’m unable to connect to my device via SSH because I cannot see it on the network.

Extra details

I have waited several minutes, I have modified my dietpi.txt and my dietpi-wifi.txt to match what I think should be correct:

I believe I have loaded the image onto the SD card correctly. I don’t have the necessary cables to get it display on the screen. I would need to buy them. Happy to do so if it makes this less of a headache.

Nmap scan report for vodafone.broadband (
Host is up (0.0036s latency).

22/tcp  closed ssh
80/tcp  open   http
443/tcp open   https
MAC Address: 20:B0:01:C1:3F:58 (Technicolor Delivery Technologies Belgium NV)

Nmap scan report for Jamie-s-S22.broadband (
Host is up (0.46s latency).

22/tcp  closed ssh
80/tcp  closed http
443/tcp closed https
MAC Address: 66:63:02:C6:B4:0B (Unknown)

Nmap scan report for MacBookPro.broadband (
Host is up (0.00017s latency).

22/tcp  closed ssh
80/tcp  closed http
443/tcp closed https
# - This is intended for advanced users, unless you know what you are doing, do not edit this file. Please use the DietPi programs instead.
# - Do not remove uncommented lines, as the items are scraped by DietPi programs, on demand.

##### DietPi-Automation settings, applied on first boot of DietPi only, ONCE! #####

##### Language/Regional options #####
# Locale e.g.: "en_GB.UTF-8" / "de_DE.UTF-8" | One entry and UTF-8 ONLY!

# Keyboard layout e.g.: "gb" / "us" / "de" / "fr"

# Time zone e.g.: "Europe/London" / "America/New_York" | Full list: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tz_database_time_zones

##### Network options #####
# Enable Ethernet or WiFi adapter: 1=enable | 0=disable
# - If both Ethernet and WiFi are enabled, WiFi will take priority and Ethernet will be disabled.
# - If using WiFi, please edit dietpi-wifi.txt to pre-enter credentials.

# WiFi country code: 2 capital letter value (e.g. GB US DE JP): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-2
# - NB: This choice may be overridden if the WiFi access point sends a country code.

# Enter your static network details below, if applicable.

# Set to "1" to convert DHCP leased network settings into static settings automatically on first boot.

# Entry 0
# - WiFi SSID: required, case sensitive
# - WiFi key: If no key/open, leave this blank
# - In case of WPA-PSK, alternatively enter the 64-digit hexadecimal key returned by wpa_passphrase
# - Please replace single quote characters ' in your key with '\''. No other escaping is required.
# - Key type: NONE (no key/open) | WPA-PSK | WEP | WPA-EAP (then use settings below)
# - WPA-EAP options: Only fill if WPA-EAP is set above
# - Path to the certificate file, e.g.: /boot/mycert.cer

Could someone give me some suggestions on where the issue might lie?

Does your router have a log for WiFi clients? Sometimes you can see the connection attempts there.
Otherwise it will be difficult to do anything here, without access to the device we don’t know what status it is in. It will probably have problems connecting to the WLAN.
Are you using WPA2 or WPA3? 2.4 or 5GHz?
It is best to test with WPA2 and 2.4 GHz

Thank you for the reply. I have checked 2.4 and 5GHz without any device detection. This is WPA2. I have tried both of those combinations. As for logging in the router, I have checked and I see nothing. I’m going to order a mini HDMI cable and plug it into a monitor. There are just too many variables to try to control.

As for the routers event logging as well, no errors. I see devices connected but not the PI. I did also check by MAC incase it was about to identify the OUI prefix.

I’ll grab a cable from Amazon and report back. Thank you though.

beside the monitor, a keyboard would be helpful as well :smiley:

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Haha. Indeed. I assume I won’t need a mouse and can manage at least the setup up to the point where I can SSH into the PI with a keyboard only? I assume a little usb mini hub into the USB port and not the PWR port would suffice?

Those are what I’m going to order.

Yes, a monitor and keyboard are fine.
You then should see the textual console login prompt.

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this might be another option for USB USB to microUSB OTG Converter Shim | The Pi Hut

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I need the mouse and keyboard so the shim wont be enough. I bought the two for £12. Its cheaper than my hair falling out :joy:

Headless seemed like a good idea at the time…

for consol access a mouse is not needed. Only for graphical desktop

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Thanks. I should have realised it wouldn’t need a mouse when it’s just terminal access. Ah well. I have it now. Thank you. I’ll update when it arrives and I get around to it.


Setup and working. Found some nice blocklists which have made a huge improvement. Thank you for the support.

Can you share some details?

Yeah. I found some blocklists for my pihole that did a much better job than what the default one provided comes with. I did some tweaks with regex to pick up on additional domains and found some great ‘adult’ blocklists.

I’m now working out the details of my media server but that’s off topic.

?? The initial issue was about not being able to connect to the RPi zero 2W. Or the device not connecting to WiFi. What is the relation to PiHole?

I think you’re missing my point. I can now connect correctly. Everything is working correctly and I was just pointing out my additional use of the pi. This can be solved as everything works.

Yes but what was tha solution to your initial issue. This you did not share.

a) It would be nice to know how you solved the problem. Were there some outputs on the console which directed what to do via keyboard?
b) In the doc we have some pi-hole blocklists: DNS Servers Options - DietPi.com Docs
Do you have better resp. additional lists to put in the docs?

I will monitor my lists and if they aren’t the same as what’s in the doc then I can recommend them. I cannot recommend them yet. As for what I did to fix it?

I connected the HDMI mini to an external monitor and went through the normal process of installation. For whatever reason, when I turned it on the first time it had no display. I then unplugged the PI and plugged in back in which gave me the terminal display. It then showed some type of error that it failed on first boot but it didn’t look like it saw my config settings from the dietpi-config and dietpi-wifi as those were different to what was displayed - networking wasn’t enabled, static assignment wasn’t enabled, etc…

I don’t think I can really offer anything else other than plugging the pi into an external display haha.