I have a Rock64 with 2GB RAM running the latest version of DietPi on a high endurance SD card. It sits on my LAN and does nothing except run Cloudflared, but disk access is a bit slow for my liking. (Naturally. It’s an SD card.)
So I bought a 64 GB eMMC module from Pine 64.
In the past, on my Rock Pi 4B (Radxa), I simply flashed DietPi onto the eMMC, popped it on the board and booted up. Easy peasy.
The Rock64 requires that you connect two pins with a jumper in order to use the eMMC. No problem. I grabbed a jumper from my toolkit, attached the eMMC and powered up.
During my troubleshooting, “Professor of the Pine” wrote 1,773 words on the subject!
His method includes connecting a serial console adapter, booting from an SD card, then flashing the eMMC - and more.
This seems ridiculously complex.
Has anyone successfully used eMMC on a Rock64 without the ritual and incantations that the Good Professor purports as “The Way?”
I found one post on the forum from 2017 but it wasn’t definitive.