OrangePi Zero 3 working features


I haven’t used DietPi before, but I was looking for a device for my next project and the OrangePi Zero 3 fits the bill nicely. I then came across DietPi and saw it listed this board as one that they have a downloadable OS for.

If it is a listed board, does that mean it is expected to be working quite well or should I expect some things to not work?

I was wondering if Wi-Fi (and hotspot), Eth, serial pins (not serial debug), HDMI and Bluetooth works?


simply give it a try if you have the board

Unfortunately I don’t I was trying to make my mind up on what board to buy, but wanted to avoid buying one that didn’t have an OS that worked or all features didn’t work.

Although I just pulled the trigger on it yesterday, so just waiting on postage now! Hopefully I can get an OS that fits my needs!

My OrangePi Zero 3 runs nice as an ADSB receiver.
I have used HDMI, Ethernet and WiFi on the HW side and Docker, Docker Portainer, ADSB (Docker version) on the SW side.
So, WiFi and HotSpot should work without problems.

Maybe some other used your inquired serial pins, Bluetooth and can answer.

Thanks for the answer! This makes me more confident in my purchase!

go to see if armbian supports it. dietpi is not relevant.

What you mean isn’t relevant?

I think its community support on armbian