Odroid HC4 booting from SSD

I bought a new SSD to replace the actual microSD I am using on my Odroid, and I thought I could boot from SSD but I can´t.

I read many links like:

RaspberryPi4 RPi4 Upgrading from existing SD card setup to boot from SSD

How to make a duplicate of SD card with only Windows available ?

No longer booting from SSDTopic is solved

I made all the steps, and I always get a black screen when booting

I made a clone with Win32 Disk Imager, I flash it into the SSD, I boot, I select the partition to boot from SSD and then nothing.

I replicate the procedure with another microSD instead the SSD and it worked.

I can’t replace the microSD with an SSD on the Odroid??

The only way to use the ssd is to move RootFS with Drive Manager?

Thank you as always.

The topics you linked are related to Raspberry Pi. But you are running a Odroid HC4, which I guess iw working differently in terms of USB mass storage boot. You would need to have a look on how to boot from USB in general on a Odroid HC4. I found a topic on Armbian forum that might be similar to you


It seems a bit complecated…

I have moved RootFs through drive-manager, and it worked perfectly :ok_hand:

Sorry, but I am getting crazy…, months ago I did succesfully the transfer o RootFs to an SSD. As I said on other post, I recently install the latest image for Odroid HC4 and after setting everything again, I was going to do the SSD thing, and I can’t see the option to transfer RootFs, I only see the user date option and swap…

Thank you…

The current Armbian based image has a single ext4 partition only. There is no dedicated boot and root file system anymore. Therefore you don’t see a rootFS partition.

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So there is no solution to use the ssd to not wear down the microSD??

you could move user data directory to the HDD. This would reduce r/w operation for apps storing their data there.

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Yep if there isn’t more options… Althought most apps does not save data on dietpi user data

Maybe you guys can have a look at armbian script to se how they do to have only bootloader on SD:

Thank you team as always!

EDIT: @Joulinar @MichaIng

I’m thinking this, and maybe I’m saying nonsense things… Is an option to install armbian, and do the script thing to move boot to sd, and then clone image the DietPi SD to an SSD and try to boot?

I’m actually working on a patch to our /boot/boot.cmd to set fdtfile explicitly, which is missing when using the SPI petitboot bootloader. With this, it should be possible to boot from USB, at least in Odroid N2 it is.


Great great news, thank you so much for your support!

Hi Michal, any lack with USB? I’ve just bought HC4 and would like to help with feature development/testing.

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Check my post on Odroid forum about what to test: ODROID HC4 install issues DietPi and Debian 11 - ODROID
I edited it to cover C4/HC4. I can test on Odroid N2+.


Btw, our recent Odroid N2 and C4 images support petitboot and that way also USB boot OOTB, without the need to reflash the SPI first :slightly_smiling_face:.

While it seems to work very well on Odroid N2, on Odroid HC4 we have a case where it does not work. If someone has tested it on an Odroid HC4, feedback would be great.

Hi @MichaIng I ask for some help to tobetter on odroid forum, https://forum.odroid.com/viewtopic.php?p=365753#p365753 maybe he could help. If you see you could add some of your knowledge if would be awesome.

Let’s get this :muscle:!

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Well yesterday looking for info I get to this armbian threads…

This one has the same error the UUID doesn’t exists:

Apparently the problem is the SSD not being detected, one report that on previous kernel versions to 5.19 the ssd where being recognise, and maybe is that the problem I’m having.

I am going to test flashing the cloned image into a usb flash drive, and I going to ask you @MichaIng if I can downgrade kernel. I don’t know how i got the kernel version I have (6.1.7)… and seems 5.10.139 is the latest that those SSD were working.

These issues are not related. Those are all about general USB drive detection, while in your case the USB drive is detected well when you boot from SD card, isn’t it? Armbian never supported petitboot and hence direct USB boot, in some of the linked cases it is about booting from SD card but then mounting the rootfs from USB, which is a different thing.

However, you should be able to downgrade the kernel, if you want to test. Check for available versions via:

apt-cache show -a linux-image-current-meson64 | grep ^Version

E.g. v5.10.147: linux-5.10.147-meson64

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I thought it were related…

Updates: I flashed new image 8.14 from website on a usb flash drive and on a 2.5’ usb hard drive, with the usb flash drive, petitboot does not detect any booteable system. On the 2.5 HD it’s detected but then same error as with the SSD… I don’t understand…

apt-cache show -a linux-image-current-meson64 | grep ^Version

This is the output

Version: 22.11.4
Version: 22.11.2
Version: 22.11.1
Version: 22.08.4
Version: 22.08.2
Version: 22.05.3
Version: 22.05.1
Version: 22.02.1
Version: 21.08.6
Version: 21.08.4
Version: 21.08.1
Version: 21.08
Version: 21.05.8
Version: 21.05.4
Version: 21.05.1
Version: 21.02.4
Version: 21.02.3
Version: 21.02.2

How do I install an specific version?

Ah, package version string and kernel version string differ. Then you need to scroll the whole output:

apt show -a linux-image-current-meson64

@MichaIng How do I install for example version 5.10.147-meson64

root@DietPi:~# apt show -a linux-image-current-meson64
Package: linux-image-current-meson64
Version: 22.11.4
Status: install ok installed
Priority: optional
Section: kernel
Source: linux-6.1.7-meson64
Maintainer: Igor Pecovnik <igor.pecovnik@****l.com>
Installed-Size: 90.1 MB
Provides: armbian-current, linux-image, linux-image-armbian
Homepage: https://www.kernel.org/
Download-Size: unknown
APT-Manual-Installed: yes
APT-Sources: /var/lib/dpkg/status
Description: Linux kernel, armbian version 6.1.7-meson64 current
 This package contains the Linux kernel, modules and corresponding other
 files, version: 6.1.7-meson64.

Package: linux-image-current-meson64
Version: 22.11.2
Priority: optional
Section: kernel
Source: linux-6.0.13-meson64
Maintainer: Igor Pecovnik <igor.pecovnik@****l.com>
Installed-Size: 91.0 MB
Provides: armbian-current, linux-image, linux-image-armbian
Homepage: https://www.kernel.org/
Download-Size: 56.4 MB
APT-Sources: https://apt.armbian.com bullseye/main arm64 Packages
Description: Linux kernel, armbian version 6.0.13-meson64 current
 This package contains the Linux kernel, modules and corresponding other
 files, version: 6.0.13-meson64.

Package: linux-image-current-meson64
Version: 22.11.1
Priority: optional
Section: kernel
Source: linux-5.19.17-meson64
Maintainer: Igor Pecovnik <igor.pecovnik@****l.com>
Installed-Size: 89.6 MB
Provides: armbian-current, linux-image, linux-image-armbian
Homepage: https://www.kernel.org/
Download-Size: 55.2 MB
APT-Sources: https://apt.armbian.com bullseye/main arm64 Packages
Description: Linux kernel, armbian version 5.19.17-meson64 current
 This package contains the Linux kernel, modules and corresponding other
 files, version: 5.19.17-meson64.

Package: linux-image-current-meson64
Version: 22.08.4
Priority: optional
Section: kernel
Source: linux-5.10.147-meson64
Maintainer: Igor Pecovnik <igor.pecovnik@****l.com>
Installed-Size: 226 MB
Provides: armbian-current, linux-image, linux-image-armbian
Homepage: https://www.kernel.org/
Download-Size: 43.9 MB
APT-Sources: https://apt.armbian.com bullseye/main arm64 Packages
Description: Linux kernel, armbian version 5.10.147-meson64 current
 This package contains the Linux kernel, modules and corresponding other
 files, version: 5.10.147-meson64.

Package: linux-image-current-meson64
Version: 22.08.2
Priority: optional
Section: kernel
Source: linux-5.10.144-meson64
Maintainer: Igor Pecovnik <igor.pecovnik@****l.com>
Installed-Size: 226 MB
Provides: armbian-current, linux-image, linux-image-armbian
Homepage: https://www.kernel.org/
Download-Size: 43.9 MB
APT-Sources: https://apt.armbian.com bullseye/main arm64 Packages
Description: Linux kernel, armbian version 5.10.144-meson64 current
 This package contains the Linux kernel, modules and corresponding other
 files, version: 5.10.144-meson64.

Package: linux-image-current-meson64
Version: 22.05.3
Priority: optional
Section: kernel
Source: linux-5.10.123-meson64
Maintainer: Igor Pecovnik <igor.pecovnik@****l.com>
Installed-Size: 225 MB
Provides: armbian-current, linux-image, linux-image-armbian
Homepage: https://www.kernel.org/
Download-Size: 43.9 MB
APT-Sources: https://apt.armbian.com bullseye/main arm64 Packages
Description: Linux kernel, armbian version 5.10.123-meson64 current
 This package contains the Linux kernel, modules and corresponding other
 files, version: 5.10.123-meson64.

Package: linux-image-current-meson64
Version: 22.05.1
Priority: optional
Section: kernel
Source: linux-5.10.110-meson64
Maintainer: Igor Pecovnik <igor.pecovnik@****l.com>
Installed-Size: 226 MB
Provides: armbian-current, linux-image, linux-image-armbian
Homepage: https://www.kernel.org/
Download-Size: 43.9 MB
APT-Sources: https://apt.armbian.com bullseye/main arm64 Packages
Description: Linux kernel, armbian version 5.10.110-meson64 current
 This package contains the Linux kernel, modules and corresponding other
 files, version: 5.10.110-meson64.

Package: linux-image-current-meson64
Version: 22.02.1
Priority: optional
Section: kernel
Source: linux-5.10.102-meson64
Maintainer: Igor Pecovnik <igor.pecovnik@****l.com>
Installed-Size: 225 MB
Provides: armbian-current, linux-image, linux-image-armbian
Homepage: https://www.kernel.org/
Download-Size: 43.9 MB
APT-Sources: https://apt.armbian.com bullseye/main arm64 Packages
Description: Linux kernel, armbian version 5.10.102-meson64 current
 This package contains the Linux kernel, modules and corresponding other
 files, version: 5.10.102-meson64.

Package: linux-image-current-meson64
Version: 21.08.6
Priority: optional
Section: kernel
Source: linux-5.10.81-meson64
Maintainer: Igor Pecovnik <igor.pecovnik@****l.com>
Installed-Size: 224 MB
Homepage: https://www.kernel.org/
Download-Size: 43.8 MB
APT-Sources: https://apt.armbian.com bullseye/main arm64 Packages
Description: Linux kernel, version 5.10.81-meson64
 This package contains the Linux kernel, modules and corresponding other
 files, version: 5.10.81-meson64.

Package: linux-image-current-meson64
Version: 21.08.4
Priority: optional
Section: kernel
Source: linux-5.10.79-meson64
Maintainer: Igor Pecovnik <igor.pecovnik@****l.com>
Installed-Size: 224 MB
Homepage: https://www.kernel.org/
Download-Size: 43.8 MB
APT-Sources: https://apt.armbian.com bullseye/main arm64 Packages
Description: Linux kernel, version 5.10.79-meson64
 This package contains the Linux kernel, modules and corresponding other
 files, version: 5.10.79-meson64.

Package: linux-image-current-meson64
Version: 21.08.1
Priority: optional
Section: kernel
Source: linux-5.10.60-meson64
Maintainer: Igor Pecovnik <igor.pecovnik@****l.com>
Installed-Size: 220 MB
Homepage: https://www.kernel.org/
Download-Size: 43.3 MB
APT-Sources: https://apt.armbian.com bullseye/main arm64 Packages
Description: Linux kernel, version 5.10.60-meson64
 This package contains the Linux kernel, modules and corresponding other
 files, version: 5.10.60-meson64.

Package: linux-image-current-meson64
Version: 21.08
Priority: optional
Section: kernel
Source: linux-5.10.60-meson64
Maintainer: Igor Pecovnik <igor.pecovnik@****l.com>
Installed-Size: 220 MB
Homepage: https://www.kernel.org/
Download-Size: 43.3 MB
APT-Sources: https://apt.armbian.com bullseye/main arm64 Packages
Description: Linux kernel, version 5.10.60-meson64
 This package contains the Linux kernel, modules and corresponding other
 files, version: 5.10.60-meson64.

Package: linux-image-current-meson64
Version: 21.05.8
Priority: optional
Section: kernel
Source: linux-5.10.57-meson64
Maintainer: Igor Pecovnik <igor.pecovnik@****l.com>
Installed-Size: 220 MB
Homepage: https://www.kernel.org/
Download-Size: 43.2 MB
APT-Sources: https://apt.armbian.com bullseye/main arm64 Packages
Description: Linux kernel, version 5.10.57-meson64
 This package contains the Linux kernel, modules and corresponding other
 files, version: 5.10.57-meson64.

Package: linux-image-current-meson64
Version: 21.05.4
Priority: optional
Section: kernel
Source: linux-5.10.43-meson64
Maintainer: Igor Pecovnik <igor.pecovnik@****l.com>
Installed-Size: 214 MB
Homepage: https://www.kernel.org/
Download-Size: 42.6 MB
APT-Sources: https://apt.armbian.com bullseye/main arm64 Packages
Description: Linux kernel, version 5.10.43-meson64
 This package contains the Linux kernel, modules and corresponding other
 files, version: 5.10.43-meson64.

Package: linux-image-current-meson64
Version: 21.05.1
Priority: optional
Section: kernel
Source: linux-5.10.34-meson64
Maintainer: Igor Pecovnik <igor.pecovnik@****l.com>
Installed-Size: 214 MB
Homepage: https://www.kernel.org/
Download-Size: 42.6 MB
APT-Sources: https://apt.armbian.com bullseye/main arm64 Packages
Description: Linux kernel, version 5.10.34-meson64
 This package contains the Linux kernel, modules and corresponding other
 files, version: 5.10.34-meson64.

Package: linux-image-current-meson64
Version: 21.02.4
Priority: optional
Section: kernel
Source: linux-5.10.27-meson64
Maintainer: Igor Pecovnik <igor.pecovnik@****l.com>
Installed-Size: 214 MB
Homepage: https://www.kernel.org/
Download-Size: 42.6 MB
APT-Sources: https://apt.armbian.com bullseye/main arm64 Packages
Description: Linux kernel, version 5.10.27-meson64
 This package contains the Linux kernel, modules and corresponding other
 files, version: 5.10.27-meson64.

Package: linux-image-current-meson64
Version: 21.02.3
Priority: optional
Section: kernel
Source: linux-5.10.21-meson64
Maintainer: Igor Pecovnik <igor.pecovnik@****l.com>
Installed-Size: 214 MB
Homepage: https://www.kernel.org/
Download-Size: 42.5 MB
APT-Sources: https://apt.armbian.com bullseye/main arm64 Packages
Description: Linux kernel, version 5.10.21-meson64
 This package contains the Linux kernel, modules and corresponding other
 files, version: 5.10.21-meson64.

Package: linux-image-current-meson64
Version: 21.02.2
Priority: optional
Section: kernel
Source: linux-5.10.16-meson64
Maintainer: Igor Pecovnik <igor.pecovnik@****l.com>
Installed-Size: 212 MB
Homepage: https://www.kernel.org/
Download-Size: 42.0 MB
APT-Sources: https://apt.armbian.com bullseye/main arm64 Packages
Description: Linux kernel, version 5.10.16-meson64
 This package contains the Linux kernel, modules and corresponding other
 files, version: 5.10.16-meson64.