Network not supported! How to share a folder from 1 pi with multiple raspis on the same network

sed -i '/path = /c\path = /mnt/dietpi_userdata/' /etc/samba/smb.conf
systemctl restart nmbd smbd

This will apply default configuration and you can check general access

Thanks now opening.
Now how can i access the HDD connected to the Dietpi .
Its not shwoing the: \mnt folder
PFA the image iam getting when opening the dietpi

Change the path in the command to match your mounting destination:

sed -i '/path = /c\path = /mnt/MyExternalDrive/' /etc/samba/smb.conf
systemctl restart nmbd smbd

Finally full success.
It was great help form you all

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I have installed Bubbleupnp on my android phone and addded the Dietpi Rpi share to the the samaba share avaiabl on bubbleupnp.
It shows my Dietpi share also. given use name and password.
I get error"Broken Pipe"
Please help

but SAMBA is working on a regular desktop computer? Maybe you can try a different Samba client app?

Yes it working in PC

I just want play from HQPlayer, Can we install HQplayer directly on Dietpi.Its not showing on the available softwares

you can install software manually as on every other Debian system.

Can anyone guide how to install mimimserver on Dietpi

as stated on the other topic, check the respective online docs of the app in question.

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“share name” isn’t “DIETPI” it is //your-server-ip-address/share-name

in this case, the defaultshare is dietpi. Just add the ipaddress to the “name or ip address” and share name is dietpi - put both together and you get // - your app gui is doing for you what you would have learned from the docs that are linked on this site to each of the applications you installed on your system with a step by step walk through how to configure so you will understand what you are doing and not just “get the answer” from someone else. If you dont know why or what is happening, you’ll have same problem again tomorrow and be back asking questions answered in the docs already.

After install of jellyfin iam not able to see the complete list of apps insatlled on dietpi. what couldbe the issue. PFA the unistall page .There are more apss like Logitech media server etc installed on it
dietpi uninstall

Please create new topics for new quesitons.
Did you install logitech media server via dietpi-software?

Yes it was installed earlier. But now not showing many apps installed.This was after installing jellyfin
Also please not even jellyfin is not showing in this

so you installed jellyfin after logitech media server?
it was working before you installed jellyfin?/ or did you try or check?

assuming no you did not try or check based on prior posts. or read the install docs on the dietpi site or the tutorials.

in your dietpi-software | INSTALL | just go back and check everything you need or want installed. reboot. TEST and CHECK that it shows installed in dietpi-software

THEN check and TEST whatever you installed.

Do ONE STEP AT A TIME. Your first step to every single thing you do is read the docs on

The next step is to post a relevant question, about a single topic, package, etc. and tell us what you have done step by step to cause this, and to try to check and fix before you contacted us. Then we go from there. Make sense?

Can you check systemctl status jellyfin

so you installed jellyfin after logitech media server?
Yes Logitech Media Server was installed earlier.

 jellyfin.service - Jellyfin Media Server
     Loaded: loaded (/lib/s
ystemd/system/jellyfin.service; enabled; preset: enabled
    Drop-In: /etc/systemd/system/jellyfin.service.d
     Active: failed (Result: signal) since Thu 2024-06-20 19:59:50 IS
T; 1h 47min ago
   Duration: 1.382s
(code=killed, signal=ABRT)
   Main PID: 1598 (code=killed, signal=ABRT)
        CPU: 1.369s

Notice: journal has been rotated since unit was started, output may be incomplet

are you aware jellyfin doesn’t have a gui? unless you add some other options to have front end guil for it…