Network not supported! How to share a folder from 1 pi with multiple raspis on the same network

So I am kind of stumped I have 3 small issues. I have a cluster of 4 x raspis 8gb all wired ethernet connections -1, I set up fresh install of Amiberry on all 4 with only

RealVNC Server:
LEMP: nginx | mariadb | php
Samba Server:

I Have 1-pi as a master-node, and the plan is to build a Raspberry Pi cluster running Kubernetes that acts a media server, and a home-brew dev-lab for some apps and things I am building I also have Nginx Proxy server setup and running.

I have 2 4TB external SSD drives. both are mounted; #1 for user data call DevDrive and #2 has media on it call MediaDrive… DevDrive is mounted is ext4 and blank ,I transfered the user data all is good. and the other drive has media and projects so I just mounted it and its all good there except for:

issue #1 MediaDrive for some reason keeps unmounting when I reboot randomly?

Issue #2 when I add a shortcut to my DevDrive (/mnt/DevDrive/dietpi_userdata/MediaDrive) when I access the folders on windows It will not let me have permissions.

I have tried:

chmod -R 775 /mnt/MediaDrive


 chmod -R 775 /mnt/DevDrive/dietpi_userdata/MediaDrive

Just to note the permissions from the desktop on the pi via right click are for root users and I am logging into the drive via windows with dietpi user?

Image to screenshot:

On the master node I set samba as my NAS I have no problem accessing it on Windows minus the folder access issues from my shortcuts.

My 3rd and most frustrating issue is that I want to be able access the shared folder with the other 3 pis but when I go to network to see about adding them I get an error saying network not supported?

I did however notice when I switched one of my Raspis to wireless the network was available and I did not get an error like the phot shows above?. I have no ideas how to see the samba folder from the other Raspis like I can on windows? I made sure to install wifi on the dietpi.txt during setup fo all.

If anyone can point me in the correct direction I would appreciate it very much, Thanks!

If I am correct when samba was install it made the user-data a shared folder and network drive? but I could be wrong. When I go to Dietpi-DriveManger and try to add a network drive in ether Samba of NFsS I get errors as follows:

Samba error =
[FAILED] Samba mount failed with the following error output:

│ mount error(13): Permission denied
│ Refer to the mount.cifs(8) manual page (e.g. man mount.cifs)

map query failed: RPC: Program not registered │
│ mount.nfs: requested NFS version or transport protocol is not supported │
│ mount.nfs: timeout set for Tue Mar 9 17:34:22 2021 │
│ mount.nfs: trying text-based options │
│ ‘port=2049,vers=4.2,addr=,clientaddr=’ │
│ mount.nfs: trying text-based options ‘port=2049,addr=’ │
│ mount.nfs: prog 100003, trying vers=3, prot=6 │
│ mount.nfs: prog 100003, trying vers=3, prot=17

NFS will not work if you installed SAMBA as it is a complete different protocol

for SAMBA you have a mount error(13): Permission denied. Looks like user/password was not correct to access the share.

I’m kind of new with the dietpi, so I do apologize I have search the internet for dayz only finding how to connect dietpi /raspi via SAmba and NFS to Window. I need to know how I can access a folder sitting on a raspi from another raspi.

I have a 4 cluster build, and am wanting to use 1 for the main node that is connected to a 2TB SSD where the user dat resides. I need to be able to access the folders


how can node1,2,3,4 access the master node and also have the Master node read and write to a shared file on each of them.

I only have basics services installed:

LXDR desktop
VNC Server…

In windows I can run \masternode_ip and the drive pops up, I can then map it and access it all day. how can I accomplish this with raspis???

I can SSH in to all devices, and will be runnin SDC with MPI eventually, but I am looking for a way to do this similar to windows where I can access a folder on another pi in my bookmarks?

Also they are all wired independently over ethernet switch not chained together…

you can create a samba server on master node and mount it on all other device.

I am missing the steps on how to mount it to those other Rspi Drives. I have no idea how to access a shared folder from one raspi to another. There is no network tools like windows that let me do this unless I am missing somthing?

did you tried using dietpi-drive_manager to mount SAMBA share?

Please share me the code for adding a shared folder from windows PC to Dietpi
i used samba , but error coming

There is no code needed. Just use dietpi-drive_manager.

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Yes , i used it and got my external HDD connected to my USB Bridge.
path: /mnt/0E3ECED63ECEB64D
I need to share this drive to add on my another moode audio installed rpi,
i used the ip address of the Dietpi installed USB bridge /mnt/0E3ECED63ECEB64D to add thsi drive to my Moode audio RPi but folder is not getting shared.
PFA the image of moode music folder adding. Need to add my DIetpi connected HDD path here,

I don’t understand, could you write more clearly or use a translator?

Need to add my Hard Drive connected to Dietpi to moode music source path. A shown in the image

You need to setup a samba share on the server side and adjust the export to point to your HDD

You need to create a samba share on dietpi. There is documentation on this.

The path will be the path of the samba share, for example:, not the path on the rpi with the HDD.

Only he first computer (rpi with the HDD) has the drive mounted. A Samba share lets you share a directory to the network. Not as a directory, but as a share.

Thanks for your repply.
But what should i give user name and password.
Have not changed the default in dietpi.

Did you already installed samba server?

Yes its already installed. is have given path :
user name : root and password dietpi

Did you check our online docs? User name is dietpi and password is your global software password

SHould i give path till the Hard Drive name. Please advise

Yes have not changed any password for Dietpi

first try to connect to SAMBA using user dietpi. Once this is working, we could adjust export folder within server configuration.