Impossible to move/modify/create files/documents

Currently I have added an HDD in ntfs format (I had it in a windows operating system) with multimedia content for plex, and in plex everything works correctly, but through a terminal or webmin with root it only allows me to view on that unit, the user, in the drive manager I see that the status is Drive is online and ready for use, the permissions it has are root:root 0775, obviously I log in with root and I still have the same problem.

Is the HDD connected via USB? If yes, is there an active USB hub in between which powers the USB disk?
Maybe the power of the PCB is not sufficient to run the disk.

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It is directly on the board, and the same hardware but with Windows it works without problems.

So your hardware is a PC with a SATA HDD?

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Yes, 5 satas

I guess it’s access issue due to file system permissions. You are using NTF, which is not a Linux file system. Hence no support for file system permissions. Therefore we set permission for root user only. Means, you should be able to write files as root user but not as another user.

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I log in via ssh and webmin with root and I’m still the same, it doesn’t let me do anything, now I’ve connected via winscp and look at what it tells me:
The command «mkdir “test”»
failed, with error code 1 and the following error message.
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘test’: Read-only file system

Can you check with dietpi-drive_manager if it is set to read only and if yes, just toggle it and try again.


I attach a screenshot of the drive manager

The [X] in the “Read Only” line shows that it is mounted read only. Can you toggle it like Jappe mentioned?


He throws me the following message:
[FAILED] Could not apply
Error log:
Remounting is not supported at present. You have to umount volume and then mount it once again.

I have tried to disassemble the unit and reassemble it and it is still the same
 it still gives me the same problem

If your disk is mounted, can you give the output of /etc/fstab

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sorry but I haven’t understood you, when you put that command it tells me permissions denied


/etc/fstab is a configuration file. You could Google about it to learn what’s it for.
I meant cat /etc/fstab

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In the section “Physical drives” there is the sd-card (mounted on /) and five other disks (mounted below /mnt/).
All of these disks have the option ro set. So It would be an option to set the option to rw for your plex mounted disk. This can be done by editing the file /etc/fstab and change the last entry (from the UUID and the dietpi-drive_manager screenshot above I see that the last entry with UUID=01DA
EE60 is the disk you are struggling). Change the ro to rw.
Then easily reboot the system.

Then you can check with dietpi-drive_manager whether the “read only” flag is now cleared.

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I have taken the test with a folder and I am still the same

But 4 entries have still ro option set. :thinking:

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I’m testing only on one HDD to avoid corrupting several data HDDs, but as I told you
 If it doesn’t work on one ticket, what’s the point of doing it on all of them? If it doesn’t work on one, it shouldn’t work on the others, right?

Yes you are right. I tested it now with a USB stick and it works withour problems on my system.

So the only thing I can think of now is, that there is some filesystem corruption with prevents the correct mounting on linux.
The ntfs-3g driver comes with a tool ntfsfix, you could run it an see if it changes anything, but ONLY if you have a backup of the files from the external drives.

Or you could try to run chkdsk on a Windows system, I’ve read that the ntfsfix is a bit limited in comparison to ntfsfix.

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