Currently setting up dietpi headless (due to not having a screen that can use hdmi) and theres been a problem of it not appearing to be connected to the internet on second boot pl0x help
Was there a problem with the troubleshooting template or why did you ignore it?
Please provide your system details
- DietPi version |
cat /boot/dietpi/.version
- Distro version |
- Kernel version |
uname -a
- Architecture |
dpkg --print-architecture
- SBC model |
or (EG: RPi3)
you still have access to the system? Does it boot after power cycle? Pls describe the error more in details, what exactly is not working.
does not boot on second start and lost access to it
Sorry but without access or connected screen we are not able to assist. We literally have no information on your system and the error.
Did you follow the instructions “Click here if you want to use a WiFi connection” on How to install DietPi - Docs ?