In the meantime I also own a Pi5 8GB and have installed PiOS 64 bit on the SD. In preparation for operation with an NVMe SSD, I have already made the necessary entries. Today I receive the HAT from Pimoroni and am considering whether to continue with PiOS for testing or switch to the OS of my choice (DietPi) right away.
Hence my enquiry:
Can I do exactly the same with an SSD, i.e. SSD e.g. via USB to the Pi4, install DietPi, run described script and then use it in the Pi5?
Or should I wait until there is a new image that includes the Pi5?
I have never used dd before.
At the moment the Pi5 is still running with an SD.
Tonight the HAT will be mounted with the SSD and then I could use dd(for connoisseurs) or PiClone(for DAU) to make a copy on the SSD, ok. Then I still have PiOS on it.
But now I would like to use the “BEST” OS for the Pi, so DietPi.
Then I will probably insert an SD into a Pi4, install DietPi, run the script, insert the SD into the Pi5, boot DietPi and finally use dd or PiClone make a copy to the SSD in the Pi5?
Everything works fine, Pi5 with DietPi on an NVMe SSD.
I still have one question:
Does the Pi control the 4-pin fan control on its own, or can you also change the temperatures?
Another question about “RPi kernel choice”:
I have a small comprehension problem. If I only want to work with the Pi5, “YES” or “No” in the selection?