I formatted my sd card new for fresh install of dietpi with the newest version, and when i booted up my pi, i keep keep getting the " [failed] Unknown install state/First run setup failed " error message. When I click “ok” to retry the setup, it loops back to the same error message. And when i reformat the SD card, and put the image back on, same thing.
did you already tried to download a new image from dietpi.com? As well do you have another SD card to try?
Yes I did, and still he same
can you share following 2 log files
How do I do that? I’ve never done that before
pls try following
cp /var/tmp/dietpi/logs/dietpi-firstboot.log /boot/
cp /var/tmp/dietpi/logs/dietpi-firstrun-setup.log /boot/
they are now copied to the FAT partition on your SD card. Remove your SD card and connect it to a computer. You can copy these files to the forum post. Easiest would be, if you are going to upload them as attachment.
Here’s the first boot log, can’t cp the other file path
dietpi-firstboot.log (5.35 KB)
looks like your SD card is to small
[FAILED] DietPi-Set_swapfile | Free space check: path=/var/ | available=86 MiB | required=1144 MiB
[FAILED] DietPi-Set_swapfile | Insufficient free space for desired swap files size
what size your SD card has?
that should be enough. Maybe something went wrong on the initial resize. Pls can you share
cat /var/tmp/dietpi/logs/fs_partition_resize.log
hmm that looks fine and there is no
inside /var/tmp/dietpi/logs?
can you share
lsblk -o name,fstype,label,size,ro,type,mountpoint,partuuid,uuid
Wont let me see that log file, saying there is no such directory
ls -la /var/tmp/dietpi/logs
before trying to repeat the first run. can you post lsblk -o name,fstype,label,size,ro,type,mountpoint,partuuid,uuid
ok let’s try to re-run the initial boot
systemctl enable dietpi-firstboot.service
pls have a look to error messages on screen
Did that, and still brought me to the same error
can you share that error?