[ OK ] DietPi-FirstBoot | Setting in /boot/config.txt adjusted: temp_limit=75 [ SUB1 ] DietPi-Set_swapfile > Applying 1 /var/swap [ INFO ] DietPi-Set_swapfile | Disabling and deleting all existing swap files [ .... ] DietPi-Set_swapfile | swapoff -a [ OK ] DietPi-Set_swapfile | swapoff -a [FAILED] DietPi-Set_swapfile | Free space check: path=/var/ | available=86 MiB | required=1144 MiB [FAILED] DietPi-Set_swapfile | Insufficient free space for desired swap files size [ INFO ] DietPi-Set_swapfile | Leaving swap space disabled [ OK ] DietPi-Set_swapfile | Setting in /boot/dietpi.txt adjusted: AUTO_SETUP_SWAPFILE_SIZE=0 [ OK ] DietPi-Set_swapfile | Desired setting in /boot/dietpi.txt was already set: AUTO_SETUP_SWAPFILE_LOCATION=/var/swap [ INFO ] DietPi-Set_swapfile | Setting /tmp tmpfs size: 452 MiB [ .... ] DietPi-Set_swapfile | mount -o remount /tmp [ OK ] DietPi-Set_swapfile | mount -o remount /tmp [ INFO ] DietPi-FirstBoot | Setting time zone Europe/London. Please wait... removed '/etc/localtime' Current default time zone: 'Europe/London' Local time is now: Mon Jan 18 16:28:14 GMT 2021. Universal Time is now: Mon Jan 18 16:28:14 UTC 2021. [ SUB1 ] DietPi-Set_hardware > headless (disable) [ OK ] DietPi-Set_hardware | Desired setting in /boot/dietpi.txt was already set: AUTO_SETUP_HEADLESS=0 [ OK ] headless disable | Completed [ SUB1 ] DietPi-Set_hardware > eth-forcespeed (disable) [ OK ] eth-forcespeed disable | Completed [ OK ] DietPi-Change_hostname | Desired setting in /etc/hosts was already set: DietPi [ SUB1 ] DietPi-Set_software > apt-mirror (http://raspbian.raspberrypi.org/raspbian/) [ OK ] DietPi-Set_software | Desired setting in /boot/dietpi.txt was already set: CONFIG_APT_RASPBIAN_MIRROR=http://raspbian.raspberrypi.org/raspbian/ [ OK ] apt-mirror http://raspbian.raspberrypi.org/raspbian/ | Completed removed '/etc/dropbear/dropbear_dss_host_key' removed '/etc/dropbear/dropbear_ecdsa_host_key' removed '/etc/dropbear/dropbear_rsa_host_key' Generating Dropbear DSS host key. Please wait. Generating 1024 bit dss key, this may take a while... Public key portion is: ssh-dss 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 root@DietPi Fingerprint: sha1!! 32:2b:19:19:af:1b:1e:5c:cb:6d:9a:88:12:4f:3b:ca:53:2d:0e:96 Generating Dropbear RSA host key. Please wait. Generating 2048 bit rsa key, this may take a while... Public key portion is: ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCCQp+IWTWcd3iMq79O/pBWGgIZ5/tWPMVPHEeYHvABm8LFtsBfCITK07uaTi/702zb0pSN4KGuKLxiZUjR0M6dkV6QY+KvBdPIpLSp9Yd/65xM4PreDJDh2o8iT0mxJ7O2inSwLOQ4g6GhgdQtyoVh6sa3jJs7HwGe8RMKMwhpUZszIyJetb5/Q1xsBmkNhMacX3Mt2n9aiWp++RW5VePO8f9ErDLRs+p5uOc16Oy5GKRxC4BH82W0WYAEQMFczuaI6icRsn/0XofSoAYouuqhJK4ocD2tl3uRoI8kKup5lIyQ3Sc2gqGsh+PydsyOsLCMe373MCSJ+fyVFw9C4hej root@DietPi Fingerprint: sha1!! f2:d5:19:ee:3d:71:5a:77:a9:b4:f8:71:16:8f:5c:34:aa:e9:f9:54 Generating Dropbear ECDSA host key. Please wait. Generating 256 bit ecdsa key, this may take a while... Public key portion is: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBOyoeWepObLfI6h8ROMhFTzu6wihieI62FqOLfKVuZHZWxtdMEJWL+odPy7jFvdvZ2pqlDN56sh15uGV6TtHdPw= root@DietPi Fingerprint: sha1!! e3:3e:06:3b:9d:a2:e2:25:e1:5a:01:9a:dc:55:40:4f:e6:c7:54:b3 Initializing machine ID from random generator. [ SUB1 ] DietPi-Set_hardware > wifimodules (disable) [ OK ] DietPi-Set_hardware | Added setting dtoverlay=disable-wifi to end of file /boot/config.txt [ OK ] wifimodules disable | Completed [ SUB1 ] DietPi-Set_hardware > enableipv6 (enable) [ OK ] DietPi-Set_hardware | Desired setting in /etc/hosts was already set: ::1 localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback [ OK ] DietPi-Set_hardware | Desired setting in /etc/hosts was already set: ff02::1 ip6-allnodes [ OK ] DietPi-Set_hardware | Desired setting in /etc/hosts was already set: ff02::2 ip6-allrouters [ OK ] DietPi-Set_hardware | Desired setting in /boot/dietpi.txt was already set: CONFIG_ENABLE_IPV6=1 [ OK ] enableipv6 enable | Completed [ SUB1 ] DietPi-Set_hardware > preferipv4 (enable) [ OK ] DietPi-Set_hardware | Desired setting in /etc/wgetrc was already set: prefer-family = IPv4 [ OK ] DietPi-Set_hardware | Desired setting in /boot/dietpi.txt was already set: CONFIG_PREFER_IPV4=1 [ OK ] preferipv4 enable | Completed Internet Systems Consortium DHCP Client 4.4.1 Copyright 2004-2018 Internet Systems Consortium. All rights reserved. For info, please visit https://www.isc.org/software/dhcp/ Listening on LPF/eth0/dc:a6:32:0d:9a:20 Sending on LPF/eth0/dc:a6:32:0d:9a:20 Sending on Socket/fallback Created duid "\000\001\000\001'\230s\245\334\2462\015\232 ". DHCPDISCOVER on eth0 to port 67 interval 4 DHCPDISCOVER on eth0 to port 67 interval 7 No DHCPOFFERS received. No working leases in persistent database - sleeping. Removed /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/dietpi-firstboot.service.