DietPi being featured on LTT

At 2:42 in the recent LTT video: I Can Save You Money! – Raspberry Pi Alternatives - YouTube the DietPi website is being shown and scrolled on. Nice to see this project while not being mentioned being shown to a larger audience :slight_smile:


Thx for sharing. We already got aware. Unfortunately, they did not make a note on our project. :frowning:

Video is about Rpi alternatives. You are copying images from Armbian and others, then add some scripts. What Dietpi has to do with this? Even Armbian was not mentioned, which are doing the actual hard work related to software support of alternatives.

This is the spirit of open source: You share it and somebody else can modify it.
The focus of DietPi is not to develop own images. The purpose it to slim down already existing images, make it more light-weight and resource-saving. Btw armbian uses also debian and ubuntu images and optimize them for the different SBCs.


Then stop deceiving people with comparing Dietpi with others. Which is very much a commercial act, not near to the spirits of open source.

Your work is some script then, right? What this has to do with Raspberry Pi alternatives video? That you are one of the biggest Armbian user?

Bulkier images exists, also smaller ones. Why are those not on that compare?

AFAIK Armbian does not use Debian or Ubuntu images. They use their package repositories and assemble images from scratch. Hardware support, testing and stabilisation is important and that doesn’t came from Ubuntu or Debian.

@boxer Why hate? Everybody can appreciate both Open Source projects. Calling getting/wanting exposure not true to the nature makes no sense. If you put in hours (more like days) of work (practically for free) you can also be happy about appreciation. That’s it and there isn’t much else to discuss here.

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Exactly. Why?

its more than fair for someone to post about seeing it on a popular program, regardless why, its still understandable why OP posted this and honestly, have a hard time believing you don’t know that.

That being said, dietpi literally gets its name for being a RPI alternative, making your “What Dietpi has to do with this?” pretentious. The fact it was clearly visible in a scene has a lot to do with “it”
(it being OPs whole point “DietPi website is being shown and scrolled on. Nice to see this project while not being mentioned being shown to a larger audience :slight_smile:”)
again, even if he just saw dietpi being repped on ANY platform, his post is perfectly understandable.

It being one of the biggest “pop tech” vlog youtubers who is also doing a whole video on RPI alternatives just makes your responses even more pretentious.

PS. “Which are doing the actual hard work related to software support of alternatives.”

Who even mentioned that, and what does it have to do with OP being happy to see the project getting some love?

PPS. These are rhetorical questions. Replying isn’t necessary. This whole post is more just for OP.

OP: Your post was fine, yes it relates and no, no one knows wtf this guy is going on about.


@Jappe understood. Question is only if he will recognise bad smell in this spirit of open source and change something.

Btw, it has been a silent move, but all DietPi images are debootstraped from scratch since a while, just using Debian and depending on SBC or or none as additional repository for kernel and bootloader, just like Armbian does with Debian.

We just started to do our own kernel and U-Boot builds for Quartz64, lets see where this brings us.

We indeed need to update our stats page. Those used the Armbian “server”/CLI images, I didn’t see “minimal” images for that SBCs that time. Will use them.