I have managed to get my Odroid running with DietPi to get into chromium kiosk mode and works very well so far.
My question is how to suppress the entire boot and console messages until chrome is up and maybe show a splash or boot screen. All the hints I found so far may fit for Raspberry Pi but Odroid seems to be special?
Maybe someone here can point me into the right direction.
Ok, now I have a very cool state. But it was a lot of work todo to get there. Maybe some of you can give hints to do it better in some ways.
Here is what I got so far (mostly done as root):
Add quiet splash plymouth.ignore-serial-consoles loglevel=3 vt.global_cursor_default=0 to the extraargs entry in /boot/dietpiEnv.txt. Effect: No blinking cursor, no kernel messages on boot screen
Install chromium and set it to auto boot via dietpi-config
The DietPi login banner can be btw also muted like this:
touch ~/.hushlogin
The dietpi-postboot.service should not show any output if an autostart option with autologin (like Chromium kiosk mode) is selected. Also the user selected with dietpi-aurostart should get the needed permissions, like video group.
thanks, that helped to remove the banner, ok. But still shows “Debian GNU/Linux 12 DietPi tty1” and login stuff on autologin.
Not true, at least on my side. Just tested it again - fresh install, installed chromium and selected autostart (option 11). Get a whole bunch of output before seeing X.
Ah right, with your service you see the X startup logs in journalctl instead.
Actually not a bad idea to start Chromium directly without any login session. But I am no fans of masking the login prompt entirely, as this makes fixing things more complicated if anything happens.
For hiding even the last bit login messages (the prompt entirely), the service could switch to e.g. tty3 via chvt 3 and back again on stop or failure. We do it like this for the Amiberry fastboot option. Also I am no fans of Restart=always without stricter limits. There is always a reason for a failure, which usually requires some adjustment, otherwise you just run into a restart loop.
I remember such was asked for before, hence thinking about a way to implement this without the risk of locking users out and keeping a sane way for debugging, if needed.
No, there is some misunderstanding, cross posting, sorry. I want to clarify:
my approach with a dedicated service works as intended with plymouth animation, than a black screen without messages, login prompt or cursor and direct starting into X - sure the plymouth screen could be shown until X but that is another story. Downside is the effort to get there and issues you mentioned
second approach - and this is the screenshot from my last post - is to stay with automatic login and automatic starting x and to limit the console outputs but I do not get it as quiet as with my first approach.
If there were a solution with dietpi out of the box any updates may be easier to install. Thats the advantage of second approach.
Silence getty: nano /etc/systemd/system/getty@tty1.service.d/dietpi-autologin.conf and add the command line parameter –skip-login
Redirect startx output to /dev/null: nano /var/lib/dietpi/dietpi-software/installed/chromium-autostart.sh and add >/dev/null 2>&1 to the last line (exec “$STARTX” …)