Wrong SSH password after update from 158 to 159

Hi k-plan,

yes as you mentioned

dietpi@DietPi:~$ sudo dietpi-update

without the sudo as I always login as root.

My fix was not persistant as after reboot it was gone again. I am not sure as it could also be a problem with my ssh connaction PC wise.
What I did to finally solve this was:

Restored my Backup (taken just before update)
The fault was still there but I was on 158 again.
Reversed the SSH Server back to Dropbear via Dietpi menues
Then the root login was already working, also after power reset and reboot
Re-installed SSH Server and from that point on it was ok.

When changing from/to dropbear and back I realized that my putty was asking for an update of the keys. maybe there was something messed up as it didn’t ask for an update after I did the 159 Update.
It also asked for it when logging in as dietpi user, so I asume thats why this one worked.

Next time I try to look for an forced key update from putty or WinSCP, but for now I keep it as is :rofl:
