just tried to install WiringPi from “Software Optimized” (via DietPi-Software) on an Odroid N2, but this failed.
Checking the log and looking into the code of the WiringPi package (which is downloaded from https://github.com/hardkernel/wiringPi/archive/master.tar.gz) pointed me to a missing folder ‘/usr/local/bin’ (which is targeted to install the gpio binary, see wiringPi-master/gpio/Makefile).
Not sure, what actually the bug is (I guess in the mentioned Makefile of the WiringPi package there should be some check for the path or a differenciation depending on the distribution), but just manually creating the folder ‘/usr/local/bin’ and reinstalling WiringPi through dientpi-software fixed the issue for me… Maybe this folder should be created in the DietPi image by default?