Just installed diet pi on the raspberry pi 4 model b 4 gb on a sandisk 32 gb A1
Flashed the arm v8 64 bit version
Right after, plugged everything and set up done with monitor keyboard
Only installed vim and openssh
Wifi has to be manually connected everytime at login to an account (whenever I switch between root and dietpi)
At every boot, I have to manually reconnect it
Checked wpa_supplicant.conf once configured via dietpi-config, my key shows up as I entered it through dietpi-config. I am online and everything works. Next I logout and log back in, wifi not connected and wpa supplicant config shows a very long hexadecimal string instead of what I wrote for the key. Same with diet-pi config under network configuration tab where my ssid and key are shown side by side ( and a very long hexadecimal string appears instead of the key for my wifi) . Therfore my wifi does not connect and I have to delete the config and reconfigure in dietpi config.
How do I make my wifi configuration persistent and not turn into the very long hexadecimal string at login
Thank you