Creating a bug report/issue
I have searched the existing open and closed issues
Required Information
DietPi version |
G_LIVE_PATCH_STATUS[0]=‘applied’ -
Distro version | bookworm
Kernel version | Linux opi 6.6.44-current-sunxi64 #1 SMP Sat Aug 3 06:54:42 UTC 2024 aarch64 GNU/Linux
Architecture | arm64
SBC model | Orange Pi 3 LTS (aarch64)
Power supply used | USB-C cable connected to big computer
SD card used | (SanDisk ultra 32G)
Additional Information (if applicable)
- Software title | X
- Was the software title installed freshly or updated/migrated?
- Can this issue be replicated on a fresh installation of DietPi?
Yes. The issue that the wifi interface is not detected is here since the installation of dietpi.
Steps to reproduce
- Install Dietpi on a Orange Pi 3 LTS
- Do no have Wi-fi detected
Expected behaviour
- interface wlan0 should show up in ‘ip link show’ but doesn’t.
Extra details
- Tried searching for drivers online, found nothing, tried a lot of fixes for similar issues on similar boards but nothing fixed it.