Wifi Dongle based on AIC8800, RISC-V, DietPi 9.10

Hi everybody,

I tried DietPi 9.10 on Starfive Visionfive 2. Since using it only via ethernet is troublesome for me, I searched the module paths and found kernel modules for AIC8800 based Wifi dongles. So I ordered a handful.

They don’t get detected automatically. modprobe aic8800_fdrv works, the module is loaded alongside the second aic-module from the kernel folder. Also, a cfg802.11-module is using the module.

But the log shows some message about the driver being a debug driver. No wlan0 interface gets usable (iwonfig shows no wireless extension for any of the interfaces, ifup wlan0 ends with wpa_supplicant-errors). I used dietpi.txt in the FAT partition to add the data of my wifi network.

Any suggestions where to move on from here?
Other USB wifi dongles with for example rtl8192cu ICs don’t get detected, and no modules are available for those.

Thank you,
best regards