When is v6.13 going to be available?


brand new Dietpi user here, so apologies for the noob question. Let me start by saying that I love dietpi. I have been using it for the last couple of weeks and it is awesome. Awesome work and thank you.

Now onto my question: I saw in the release thread that release 6.13 is available, but the latest release I seem to be able to upgrade to is 6.12. I checked the http://dietpi.com/downloads/dietpi-update_mirror/master/server_version-6 and it shows 6.12 as being the latest version too, hence my question: do you know when 6.13 will be available? My reason, I would love to use Lidarr, which was added to v6.13.

Thanks a lot in advance and again thank you for the great distribution.

welcome to DietPi then and sorry for the late reply.

v6.13 can be expected within the next few days, however it’s hard to name an exact date yet, as there is still some testing we need to do and properly fixes/adjustment (or not) to apply.

DietPi checks every day for updates and in case prompts an info within the login banner. You can as well manually recheck by calling “dietpi-update”.

Awesome!!! Thank you for the great work. I love the distro. Works awesome.