ah ok now it is working fine?
Working now connecting to:
I think it was the still logging in automatically!! Not changed it to default like you said. Didn’t save it the config right!
Is there any way to connect via Internet using the RealVnc Login (mail address) or do I have to setup the forward over appropriate ports through my router/firewall?
How to use and setup a RealVNC account is described at realvnc web site.
However it seems you need to use VNC Connect for Home users to be able to use cloud connect. I checked it on my VNC Server, there I don’t have a possibility to enter any licence information. So most probably the VNC Server package that is used by DietPi is not able to connect to the cloud.
Not sure what is the real difference between VNC Connect and the RealVNC Server.
But to get your current installation available over the internet, you would need to forward port 5901 on your router/firewall to your DietPi device. This I tested earlier this evening an it was working fine.
I described it earlier in this thread
Thank you!!
Will try that!
Everything else is working peferct
Plex running, Nextcloud running…