Virus-Scanner for NAS-Files

Is there a way to scan on a regular basis all files which are saved at the raspberry and shared (via SyncThing)to the home-network to the Windows Mashines?

ClamAV would be my guess

I just did a

#apt install clamav

and it has an already compiled binary for dietpiā€™s main OS base (I am however running x86-64 so unsure if ARM is supported)

 apt install clamav
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
The following additional packages will be installed:
  clamav-base clamav-freshclam libclamav9 libltdl7 libmspack0 libtfm1
Suggested packages:
  libclamunrar clamav-docs apparmor libclamunrar9
Recommended packages:
  bsd-mailx | mailx
The following NEW packages will be installed:
  clamav clamav-base clamav-freshclam libclamav9 libltdl7 libmspack0 libtfm1


#clamscan -v -r /

scanned everything on the drive, so I guess you could point it at a directory and have it scan it with a crontab entry

yes it is available on ARM as well

root@DietPiProd:~# apt show clamav
Package: clamav
Version: 0.102.4+dfsg-0+deb10u1

According web site, latest version is 0.103.1 from Feb 2021, while the version on ARM is 0.102.4 created in Jul 2020. However you are able to compile it yourself by following instructions on their web site.

Found the walkthru w/ copy/paste commands