
DietPi v138

02 December 2016
New DietPi website, logo and colour scheme:

http://dietpi.comNew Image:

NanoPi NEO Air image is now available: http://dietpi.com/phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=891#p3951Changes / Improvements / Optimizations:

-DietPi-Software | Cava: Console-based audio visualizer for MPD is now available for installation.
Works on LCD HATS (eg: Odroid LCD Shield): https://dietpi.com/forum/t/dietpi-software-details-for-all-installation-options/22/80

-DietPi-Software | Squeezelite: Updated to v1.8. Now supports releasing lock on soundcard when idle for 5 seconds:

-DietPi-JustBoom | Cava options (once installed): Can now be configured from the menu.
MPD audio buffer size can now be changed.

-DietPi-Config | Audio Options: 384kHz kernel can now be installed for RPi 2/3.

-DietPi-Autostart | Cava option added.

-DietPi-LetsEncrypt | Hardened webserver SSL security (Lighttpd) as per Hyneks article recommendations:
https://hynek.me/articles/hardening-your-web-servers-ssl-ciphers/ . Many thanks to WaLLy3K for the info!

-General | Odroid C2: Improved desktop performance by using FBturbo instead of Mali DDX,
many thanks to Meveric for this: http://forum.odroid.com/viewtopic.php?f=138&t=19948&p=169808#p169808

-General | Dmesg onscreen print level has been reduced.
Mostly for Odroid C2 where HiFi Shield prints i2c info when starting/stopping stream on tty1.

-General | DietPi for XenServer image has been removed and is no longer available for download.
Bug fixes:

-DietPi-Set_Hardware | Resolved an issue where alsamixer would fail to function with default device.

-DietPi-Cloudshell | Storage Scenes: Resolved an issue where mount locations that contained whitespace,
would fail to provide stats: https://github.com/Fourdee/DietPi/issues/618

-DietPi-Software | PiVPN: Reboot has been disabled in the PiVPN installer script.
This is to allow DietPi-Software to complete the end stages of the installation process:
View Changelog in a Chronological order_- Donations / Support DietPi:_ | DietPi is a free product and relies solely on your donations for funding.
. If you found DietPi useful and want to support future development, please click here to find out more.