New Features:
DietPi-Process_Tool | Allows users to configure and set system wide Nice, Affinity, Scheduler Policy, Scheduler Priority for most processes/programs. Replaces DietPi-Nice/Affinity
Changes / Improvements / Optimizations:
DietPi-Config | IPv6 can now be enabled/disabled from the networking options menu.
DietPi-Config | RPI i2c settings have now been moved to “Advanced Options”. Previously Display. Thanks to Gordon for the suggestion: https://dietpi.com/forum/t/i2c-setting-in-config-txt/245/1
General | IPv6 is now enabled by default on all DietPi systems. Its clear that IPv6 is becoming a requirement for software to fully function: https://github.com/Fourdee/DietPi/issues/175#issue-127682633 . You can disable IPv6 using dietpi-config > networking > IPv6
Bug fixes:
DietPi-Process_Tool (previously DietPi-Affinity) | Affinity is now applied to all PIDs for each program match.
DietPi-Software | Resolved an issue with Nginx failing to install on RPi Jessie.