Update | RPi Stretch image is now default with DietPi v159

Hi Fourdee,

Done. Install on RPI Zero:

root@ZeroPi:~# /DietPi/dietpi/misc/rpi_boardinfo

  - RPi Board Info -
 Revision         |     900093
 Released         |     Q2 2016
 Model            |     Zero
 Memory           |     512 MB
 Manufacturer     |     Sony

root@ZeroPi:~# uname -a
Linux ZeroPi 4.4.34+ #930 Wed Nov 23 15:12:30 GMT 2016 armv6l GNU/Linux

Install some software for testing (things, that I normaly use on every DietPi devices):

root@ZeroPi:~# dietpi-software list | grep '[[:space:]]=2'
id 3 | =2 | mc: midnight commander, powerful file manager |
id 12 | =2 | iperf: internet protocol bandwidth measuring tool |
id 13 | =2 | mtr-tiny: full screen ncurses traceroute tool |
id 15 | =2 | tcpdump: command-line network traffic analyzer |
id 17 | =2 | git client: git clone etc |
id 66 | =2 | rpi-monitor: web interface system stats |
id 84 | =2 | lighttpd: webserver | 
id 89 | =2 | php: webserver | 
id 93 | =2 | pi-hole: block adverts for any device on your network | +git +webserver |
id 102 | =2 | rsyslog: system logging |
id 103 | =2 | dietpi-ramlog: minimal, optimized logging | 
id 104 | =2 | dropbear: ssh server |
id 117 | =2 | pivpn: openvpn installer & management tool | +rsyslog


root@ZeroPi:~# dietpi-services restart

 Mode: restart
 Please wait...

 [Ok] cron
 [Ok] lighttpd
 [Ok] dnsmasq
 [Ok] openvpn

Testing SD-Card overclocking:

  • works great and preformance improvement

But it can be messured with dietpi-config (only sec. will be displayed)

This is the only “really” DietPi Bug i have noticed.

Sorry, but for me this really cool dropbear feature will not work.
Have I missed something?

seem it will only working with WinSCP (only with SCP), not with Fugo, FileZilla, or similar SFTP clients on Mac OSX …

root@ZeroPi:~# dropbear -V
Dropbear v2016.74