Unable to install linux headers

Creating a bug report/issue

Required Information

  • DietPi version | cat /boot/dietpi/.version
    G_LIVE_PATCH_STATUS[0]=‘not applicable’

  • Distro version | echo $G_DISTRO_NAME $G_RASPBIAN

  • Kernel version | uname -a
    Linux DietPi 5.10.110 #81 SMP Mon Jul 4 15:26:21 CST 2022 aarch64 GNU/Linux

  • SBC model | echo $G_HW_MODEL_NAME or (EG: RPi3)
    NanoPi R5S (aarch64)

  • Power supply used | (EG: 5V 1A RAVpower)
    The one that came with the R5S (USBC 3 Amp)

  • SD card used | (EG: SanDisk ultra)
    32 GB scan disk

Additional Information (if applicable)

  • Can this issue be replicated on a fresh installation of DietPi?

Steps to reproduce

  1. apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)

Expected behaviour

  • I expect the linux headers package to be installed

Actual behaviour

  • apt is unable to find the package

Extra details

Welcome to our community.

Well, we don’t host nor develop kernel and/or header packages. But we are already looking for them as they are required for other software title like Wireguard as well.

Thanks. The project looks really nice. It is nice to have something that just works and is not proprietary like the FriendlyCore version.

Does the lack of header packages mean I cannot build the RTL8822BU?

as stated above, we already checking for the availability

A post was split to a new topic: Unable to install linux headers Pin64