[Tutorial] installing Tonido (light personal cloud server)

The only features I need in a cloud server are a simple web interface that I can upload files from, a syncing feature to mirror files onto other computers, and app support on my phone.
Owncloud/Nextcloud/Pydio all have these features but seem like overkill and way too resource intensive for what I want.

Instead, I use Tonido http://www.tonido.com/
It’s a self contained process, so it doesn’t rely on seperate webserver or database and is super light on resources; right now, it’s only consuming 2% of the memory on my Pi2B

I’ve been using it since around January this year, and it’s been totally reliable for getting files to and from my Pi. I recently had to redo my DietPi installation from scratch, and found the installation instructions on the Tonido website didn’t -quite- work anymore, the only show stopper issue being the libjpeg8 dependency (I informed them on their forums).

It seems like there’s also an issue with photo syncing with the iPhone app right now, but it’s not really a feature I use.

I wrote up my process for getting Tonido up and running on external storage with DietPi:
1) Install libjpeg8 dependency:

sudo apt-get install libjpeg8 -y

2) Install Tonido:

sudo mkdir /usr/local/tonido
cd /usr/local/tonido
sudo wget http://patch.codelathe.com/tonido/live/installer/armv6l-rpi/tonido.tar.gz
sudo tar -zxvf tonido.tar.gz

3) Fix plugin compatibility on Pi2 (this might be different on Pi3 and others?):

sudo find . -name "manifest.xml" -exec sed -i "s/armv6l/armv7l/g" '{}' \;

4) Start Tonido server:

sudo ./tonido.sh start &

5) Set up profile and change data locations from web interface:
-Open Tonido web interface using the address http://[DietPi IP address]:10001
-Make a profile and login.
-Change data storage location in the ‘settings’ > ‘account’ section to external drive.
-Change camera uploads store location in the ‘settings’ > ‘misc’ section to external drive.

6) Change sync data locations to external drive:

sudo ./tonido.sh stop

edit the “DEFAULT” values in /root/tonido/data/profiles/[profile name]/plugindata/syncserver/syncserverconfig.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

sudo ./tonido.sh start &

7) Set up Tonido to auto start on boot:

sudo wget -O /etc/init.d/tonido http://www.tonido.com/support/download/attachments/9109990/tonido?version=2&modificationDate=1412274854000&api=v2
sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/tonido
sudo update-rc.d tonido defaults

Hopefully that works out for anyone who wants to give Tonido a try!

Owncloud/Nextcloud/Pydio all have these features but seem like overkill and way too resource intensive for what I want.

Instead, I use Tonido > http://www.tonido.com/
It’s a self contained process, so it doesn’t rely on seperate webserver or database and is super light on resources; right now, it’s only consuming 2% of the memory on my Pi2B

Interesting :wink:

Thanks for sharing the guide, i’ll create a ticket and take see if we can add it to DietPi-Software: https://github.com/Fourdee/DietPi/issues/592

if “sudo apt-get install libjpeg8 -y” causes error.

Try below

cd /tmp
wget http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/pool/main/libj/libjpeg8/libjpeg8_8d-1+deb7u1_armhf.deb
dpkg -i libjpeg8_8d-1+deb7u1_armhf.deb

in that way, I could run tonido

Just tried this and am very impressed.

Anyone know what I would use instead of armv6l-rpi

for the XU4 and the Orange Pi Zero?


Got this going on XU4 and after some problems with the apps not starting - fixed by putting armv7l in all the manifest.xml files (five of them) - working well. Ipad and Android apps sync nicely.

For ease of use and nice web interface this beats OwnCloud and NextCloud by miles.

Thanks to sinistergfx for the above tutorial.


Just tried it! Seems work really good, although i tried the OSX version just to test the program.

I really hope to see this program in the DietPi repos :slight_smile:

Thank you for sharing this with the community!

Can anyone think of any reason why this wouldn’t work on a NanoPi NEO running DietPi v146? On the surface I don’t see any show stoppers, but I thought I’d ask first. :question:

I have it working on XU4 and Orange Pi Zero. So you should be OK. What is a useful feature, the WIndows sync app, is not supported on the ARM version of this software.


OK, great! After doing my reading that’s what I thought, but it never hurts to ask the pros! Cheers! :smiley:

OK, it took a little poking and prodding however it’s working and accessible from my Ubuntu laptop and my Android phone.

I had a 128GB USB 2 thumb-drive that I’ve created two partitions on; 1) 20GB for user neo and 2) 100GB for tonido.

The NanoPi NEO has been a kicker of board so far. I’m using LDXE and noMachine and that is proving to be a stable combination. I don’t expect it to win any speed competitions but it definitely is cool! :smiley:

Hey, Fourdee! DietPi rocks! Totally worth the donation!! :rofl:

Thanks guys,

Seems popular, i’ll set this for v148 milestone, we’ll get this into DietPi-Software (many thanks to sinistergfx’s great tutorial) :slight_smile:

Wish I read this earlier lol:

Got that info from their forum:


Thanks John :slight_smile:

thanks very helpful tutorial to me. One question, do you only have the trails in one frame each?

Mine gets freezed here:

root@DietPi:/usr/local/tonido# Starting Tonido Service:nohup: se redirige la salida de error a la salida estándar

The spanish paragraph only says: error output redirected to standar output

But I can still works with other ssh connection.

Any updates on WIndows Sync App + RPi3 issue?

My info may be out of date (check the Tonido forums maybe) but the Windows sync app didn’t work with Tonido installed on ARM devices and the developers did not have any plans to make it work. I have Tonido on a Z83 device and the Windows sync works.


Thanks for the info.
I couldn’t find anything not-so-old on their forums.