[Tutorial] How to get your NanoHatOLED to work

It is working for me, but slightly modified in order to put the startup script on /var/lib/dietpi/postboot.d/

Install instructions:

  1. Enable i2c (add to armbianEnv.txt): overlays=i2c0 usbhost1 usbhost2

  2. Make sure the following components have been installed using the DietPi Software configuration tool

=> 16 Build Essentials
=> 17 Git

  1. Download attached NanoHatOLED.tar.gz and copy archive to installation folder (e.g. /home)

cd /home
tar -pxvzf NanoHatOLED.tar.gz
cd NanoHatOLED

That is all !
Now it should work.

Later edit:
the script installs Python 3.7, python-pip, etc

Later later edit:
I forgot to mention, I am using maarten’s package for Python 3 !
Thanks maarten !
I’ve also modified the installer in order to use systemd, based on oled.script proposed by buesche.
I am using it on Armbian and it is working fine !
NanoHatOLED.tar.gz (410 KB)