Hi, I am new here, and a total Linux NOOB.
I have downloaded, and am trying to install, the x86 version for VMWARE. I am running VMWare Workstation Pro 15.5.6 on a Windows 10 64 bit system.
My problem: The virtual machine usually does not reply to the keyboard. On most attempts, I cannot even log in. On the attempts where I can, there is sometimes a very long lag from when I hit enter -to login-, and when something finally happens. After that, response is quicker. But, on three tries now, I get various depths into the setup, before I am stuck because there is not response any longer.
The system is an Asus ROG G750 JW laptop, and there is a USB keyboard attached. Neither windows, nor a Debian VM that I downloaded, have similar problems. If I unplug the USB keyboard, the problem persists.
Any thoughts or suggestions would be very much appreciated.
many thanks for your message. How is the performance if you connect via SSH?
In fact I just wanted to create a new WMware image since it is quite old and I’m researching some issue of the Debian installer with VMs. Wait an hour and then take the new image for the hope that it works better
EDIT: New image has been uploaded.
@joulinar: As a NOOB, I don’t know how to do this.
@MichaIng: Downloaded new VM, same problem. It took perhaps 20 stabs at the enter key before I could even try the login process. The, using the default username and password, it told me that I was wrong twice, then it took me to a different login screen, and stopped responding all together.
I noticed in something that scrolled by a reference to Debian Lite. I googled for that, and downloaded the i386 (not ARM, so not a fair comparison, perhaps) ISO, and am partway through installing that in a new virtual machine. Seems to be going smoothly.
you could download Putty https://www.putty.org/ and use the tool to connect to your system
Our VMware image of course is x86_64 not ARM and not i386, which I would not recommend for a x86_64 host like yours.
Did you take care that VT-x/AMD-V acceleration is enabled, also in the hypervisor software? I remember a horrible first experience with VMware because it was disabled by default. Also take care that Hyper-V is not installed, as it occupies the VT-x/AMD-V acceleration for itself and does not allow any other hypervisor using it.
And yes, generally the console is not handy to manage VMs, use SSH instead, which also enables copy paste, host keyboard layout right from the start, also less overhead since you can disable the virtual monitor completely.