Tautulli Permission Error

Good Evening,

I’m new to Diet-pi but not necessarily tautulli by any means I just converted mine from my windows machine to Diet-pi but im getting this error

Tautulli Config :: Error writing configuration file: [Errno 13] Permission denied: ‘/opt/plexpy/config.ini’

So I need to get config.ini and or tautulli root permissions I do believe how do I do so?

Thanks for your report. Try instead

chown -R plexpy:plexpy /opt/plexpy
systemctl restart plexpy

If I see right, we missed that on install script. Will check and fix with v6.18

Opened issue: https://github.com/Fourdee/DietPi/issues/2273

I did a start to fix this. Service start does not require permission changes, since plexpy install dir is world readable, scripts world executable. WebUI opens up. We could not further test due to lack of Plex.tv account.

But your error makes sense, as /opt/plexpy/config.ini creation and edit needs write access for plexpy user. The above chown command will fix this.

But I aim to enhance reinstalls as well. Currently the new downloaded install dir would fail to move, if old one does already exist.
To know how to handle this:

  • Does Tautulli have an internal updater?
  • Or would you update via git client/command?
    Then we would simply skip download, if install dir already exist and refer to internal updater/git instead.