Sweet Security

Is it possible to add Sweet Security ? :slight_smile:



many thanks for your request. I’m not the developer but looking to the GitHub of Sweet Security, I’m not sure that it will get priority. It seems the software is not maintained anymore. Last update was done 3 years back. Next to that, it seems depending on Python2.7, which is already EOL. Possibly, software title depending on Python2 will not be added anymore.

Especially since it is to install other software, having such three years without update cannot go well. Would be more reasonable if we implement some of the provided software into dietpi-software directly. Apache2 is already there and sweet security will likely screw our implementation :wink:.

totally agree, did not look from that point :slight_smile:

but, is there any plans to integrate something for network package inspection?
new rasp. is enough strong to handle it for home usage…

would be awesome if some project for that is implemented.

i think security onion is heavy for rasp.

you can use Wireshark, if you like to monitor/inspect your network.

no. i need something which will collect data and make some analysis.

Wireshark is good for live monitoring and not in every case… for example SIP network, i need captured packages to analyze deeper SIP data…
For that kind of case, bro/zeek, snort… are great, they have better scripts for package analyzing then wireshark.
With wireshark you need bunch of manual work to do also… and with bro or similar, you can add front-end where you can visual network, how and what is doing… easy to see and catch some anomalies … simple, your life is better with that kind of app. :slight_smile:

Well, I’m nut sure if something like this will be implemented in near future as this is quite a specific case. There are other topics with higher priority or software request which are more common :wink:
