Hey folks,
Just wondering if there’s any new build for the Radxa Zero 3W based on the radxa-zero3_debian_bullseye_xfce_b6.img? I remember @disablewong made an unofficial one last year. Now that Radxa has released radxa-zero3_debian_bullseye_xfce_b6.img, has anyone tried to make a build with it?
We have some contradicting results regarding HDMI output with the Linux 6.1 image. It might depend on the board revision, and whether it is ZERO 3W or ZERO 3E.
Also, see end of the GitHub topic: The board exists with two different onboard WiFi chips, and we need to detect which one it is (hopefully cat /proc/device-tree/serial-number reveals it), in case change the used device tree, and probably need to add further firmware for the AIC8800 chip.
Please stick with discussion on GitHub now, so we have all info in one place.
The output of this command cat /proc/device-tree/serial-number is e360f71969ed8035. So, what kind of Wi-Fi chip my ZERO 3W has? Also, what image do you want me to test? This DietPi_RadxaZERO3-ARMv8-Bookworm.img.xz or this: DietPi_RadxaZERO3-ARMv8-Bookworm_Linux6.1.img.xz.
I found another way to know the WiFi chip from U-Boot script and apply the correct device tree automatically, so no need to check serial numbers anymore . Both images would be good to test. At least on a ZERO 3E, the Linux6.1 one does not seem to produce HDMI output, but on a ZERO 3W it works. Would be good to have some more cases checking this.