SteamLinkk issues

Hello mates

I have some issues with steamlink I have installed, but when I try to launch it I get an error.

wrong ownership on runtime directory /run/user/0, 0 instead of 1000.

What did you do?



many thanks for your message. pls can you post

ls -la /run/user/


drwxr-xr-x  4 root   root    80 Jul 29 15:19 .
drwxr-xr-x 26 root   root   800 Aug  2 16:03 ..
drwx------  5 root   root   100 Jul 29 13:56 0
drwx------  5 dietpi dietpi 100 Aug  1 18:34 1000

But I think the error it’s caused for other reason. I mean if I launch steamlink trough xmobaterm in my pc, a virtual windows is launched and works fine…

But the problem is if I launched in the local console. I also set up kodi to launch at the start. And the user logged is root, so when I backup to console I log on to dietpi user.


what happen if you login as user root on console?


I think the problem is how start diepi when I turn on it.

I’ve set it up so that Kodi will start when I turn on the raspberry pi, I read you need to login as root if not It wont work.

Then I exit from Kodi and I do “su - dietpi”, after Kodi is launched, and I exit from Kodi too.

Then I run steamlink command. And other error appears

/dev/tty1 permission denied
$ steamlink
XDG_runtime_dir not set defaulting /home/dietpi/.local/share/Steamlinl/.tmp/runtime-dietpi

Other times the error is I said in last posts… I think the error in the way the autostart is logged in.

I guess you would need to run it as root and not as user dietpi

The problem is steamlink evoid to run as root. I can bypass it but its not recommend. Thats mean all apps that I want run from local console Its necessary to launch from root user. Is it right?

might be.

you could try to add user dietpi to video as well as tty group

usermod -aG tty dietpi
usermod -aG video dietpi

might be this will work around the permission issues


I try both things and I get the same error… I bypassed the bash steamlink to check if I run steamlink as root but as I sad I get the same error…

XDG_runtime_dir not set defaulting /home/root/.local/share/Steamlinl/.tmp/runtime-root.

But If I run steamlink in my personal computer trought mobaxterm the command run well!

dietpi@DietPi:~$ sudo usermod -aG video dietpi
dietpi@DietPi:~$ steamlink
INFO: Couldn't open /home/dietpi/.local/share/Valve Corporation/SteamLink/streaming_settings.bin for reading
INFO: Couldn't open /home/dietpi/.local/share/Valve Corporation/SteamLink/client_id_map.txt for reading
INFO: Couldn't open /home/dietpi/.local/share/Valve Corporation/SteamLink/speaker_configuration.txt for reading
sh: 1: ifconfig: not found
Mix_OpenAudioDevice() failed: ALSA: Couldn't open audio device: Permiso denegado
Couldn't find sound data in ":/resources/sounds/click.wav"
Steam Link UI desktop resolution 1920 x 1080  coordinate scale = 1.05
INFO: Connected to Remote Client service with session 5485490031873974416
sh: 1: ifconfig: not found
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
sh: 1: ifconfig: not found
sh: 1: ifconfig: not found
sh: 1: ifconfig: not found

I dont understand nothing… Has anyone been able to install steamlink?


do you have a screen attached? Because steam link is stared on that external screen and not within the console / command line.

If I start steam link within a SSH session, I see the same error massages

root@DietPi3:~# sudo -u dietpi steamlink
QStandardPaths: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set, defaulting to '/home/dietpi/.local/share/SteamLink/.tmp/runtime-dietpi'
Unable to query physical screen size, defaulting to 100 dpi.
INFO: Couldn't open /home/dietpi/.local/share/Valve Corporation/SteamLink/streaming_settings.bin for reading
INFO: Couldn't open /home/dietpi/.local/share/Valve Corporation/SteamLink/client_id_map.txt for reading
INFO: Couldn't open /home/dietpi/.local/share/Valve Corporation/SteamLink/speaker_configuration.txt for reading
INFO: Warning: Couldn't set IPV6_ADD_MEMBERSHIP on discovery network socket
sh: 1: ifconfig: not found
Mix_OpenAudioDevice() failed: ALSA: Couldn't open audio device: Permission denied
Couldn't find sound data in ":/resources/sounds/click.wav"
Steam Link UI desktop resolution 1920 x 1080  coordinate scale = 1.05
Attribute Qt::AA_ShareOpenGLContexts must be set before QCoreApplication is created.
INFO: Connected to Remote Client service with session 8524289175176727720
sh: 1: ifconfig: not found
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
sh: 1: ifconfig: not found
sh: 1: ifconfig: not found

However on my attached monitor, steam link is started :wink:

To get rid of permission issues, I added user dietpi to following groups

usermod -aG tty dietpi
usermod -aG input dietpi
usermod -aG video dietpi
usermod -aG audio dietpi


Yes, I have a attached screen running rclone. But in my old rasp3 I had plexdrive attached in a screen too, but steamlink and moonlight works, without errors.

The goal of this is use steamlink in my salon, where I have the rasp4.

Well… when I try exit from kodi (I set up as auto-start). Kodi genereate a crash report, then run kodi again so I cant back to console unless I shutdown rasp4, then It dont happen.

I login as dietpi user and a message “tty permission denied appears” after I changed the permissions you said me. I try run steamlink and the same error appears. (This time I havent any attached screen)

/dev/tty1 permission denied
$ steamlink
XDG_runtime_dir not set defaulting /home/dietpi/.local/share/Steamlinl/.tmp/runtime-dietpi

Also I have seen this.

dietpi@DietPi:~$ sudo cat /etc/os-release
PRETTY_NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)"
NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux"
VERSION="10 (buster)"

Then this build is incompatible with steamlink?..

The goal of this is use steamlink in my salon, where I have the rasp4.


I did another try on my RPi3B+ and it was working without issues

  1. install and setup a new DietPi system
  2. login via ssh as user root
  3. install LXDE desktop via > dietpi-software
  4. install Steamlink via > apt install steamlink
  5. add user dietpi into groups > tty, input, video and audio
  6. start Steamlink as user dietpi > sudo -u dietpi steamlink
  7. steamlink performed an update as well as completed initial setup
  8. steamlink is starting on my screen I have attached via HDMI

Hello Joulinar

Thanks for taking the time to try fix my problem. I was on holidays.

I will try these steps and I will reply with the results :slight_smile:
