Please ensure en_GB.UTF-8 is installed on the system. Its required by DietPi to ensure all scripts scrape correctly, you can select another default if needed, but en_GB.UTF-8 must be installed.
Now doing a fresh install. During the first run right after after ssh login I get the same funny characters as seen below.
Will check to see what else happens.
The only place that I can see LANG in /DietPi/dietpi/login #Force en_GB Locale for whole script. Prevents incorrect parsing with non-english locales.
same for /DietPi/dietpi/dietpi-banner #Force en_GB Locale for whole script. Prevents incorrect parsing with non-english locales.
The scripts are kind of long to post here and I have already made lots of posts detailing what I have done so that you can hopefully repeat it.
I can send them to you separately.
I don’t see why the ssh client on my desktop would change the output of the dietpi locale command.
It is the same as far as I know that I have been using for the last few years in Linux Mint 17.x
Is the output that I’m showing for dietpi what you are expecting for a Nanopi Neo with everything set to POSIX, No Language? I expected to see either en_CA or en_GB as these are the languages that are set on the dietpi.
Were you able to find the source file that created the error?
Hmmm… Aren’t I using the second of the two examples? E.G. the normal ssh method? That gives what should be correct output.
OK, found how to test my shell
gordon@gordon-linux ~ $ echo $SHELL
gordon@gordon-linux ~ $ echo $0
I’m using the bash shell on my desktop.
Just in case I’m completely out to lunch and I’m miss-understanding you.
root@DietPi:~# echo $0
root@DietPi:~# echo $SHELL
The dietpi shell is also bash.
------------- snip -------------------------
printf “%s: command not found\n” “$1” >&2
return 127
if [[ -f /etc/bash.bashrc.custom ]]; then
. /etc/bash.bashrc.custom
export $(cat /etc/default/locale | grep LANG=) #DietPi Additions
alias sudo=‘sudo ’ #
alias dietpi-process_tool=’/DietPi/dietpi/dietpi-process_tool’
alias dietpi-letsencrypt=’/DietPi/dietpi/dietpi-letsencrypt’
----------------- snip --------------------------------------------------------------------------
note double brackets in
if [[ -f /etc/bash.bashrc.custom ]]; then
That section is new and wasn’t in an earlier version of dietpi that I was using.
export $(cat /etc/default/locale | grep LANG=)
takes us to