SPI TFT ILI9341 connected to orange pi zero 2w

Hello everyone,
I want to use a SPI TFT ILI9341 screen on my orange pi zero 2w as a main screen basically… i dont really know how to connect it tbh. And i definitely dont know how to use the drivers for it, im a raspberry noob. If anyone would be a le to help id like that. And if u do tell me how to connect please go by this chart

Any help would be appreciated :heart:

I don’t know either but I don’t think this is an easy task for a beginner. Do you have any experience with SPI?
Why not get a display with HDMI connector? (The 2w has a mini-HDMI interface).

Summary of Pin Mapping:

  • VCC: 3.3V (Pin 1 or Pin 17)

  • GND: Ground (Pin 6 or Pin 9)

  • CS (Chip Select): Pin 24 (PI5)

  • RESET: Pin 36 (PI16)

  • DC/RS (Data/Command): Pin 37 (PI15)

  • MOSI: Pin 19 (PH7)

  • SCK (Clock): Pin 23 (PH6)

  • LED (Backlight): 3.3V (Pin 1 or 17)

Then you need to enable SPI, install the driver for the display and some library to communicate via SPI (like spidev) and mirror the output to the frame buffer (with e.g. fbcp).

Good luck

Hope someone can help here. I wouldn’t know either, but I started here. :wink:

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Hey! Yes ive been trying to find mini hdmi displays, im looking for a 3.2 inch display with mini hdmi ive been looking forever and i cannot find one. Can you find one for me? Keep in mind my projects shell is a very small and claustrophobic shell, and ill need to power the screen via the 2w itself


and an adapter HDMI to mini HDMI

Or look at this, its without HDMI and you can mount it directly on the pins