Creating a bug report/issue
Required Information
- DietPi version | 8.16
- Distro version | Raspian Bullseye
- Kernel version |Linux DietPi 6.1.21-v8+ #1642 SMP PREEMPT Mon Apr 3 17:24:16 BST 2023 aarch64 GNU/Linux
- SBC model | RPI 4B
- Power supply used | RPI power cube
- SD card used | Kingston 120Gb SSD
Additional Information (if applicable)
- Software title | (EG: Nextcloud)
- Was the software title installed freshly or updated/migrated?
- Can this issue be replicated on a fresh installation of DietPi`
Steps to reproduce
- …Fresh install of dietpi and cinnamon desktop
- initially had no audio out using the builtin audio (headphone jack) from the command line using speaker-test which was corrected by editing .asoundrc to show the correct card number (changed from card 0 to card 1).
Expected behaviour
using the cinnamon sound app and using the speaker test option it should state which speaker (left or right) you have selectd.
- …
Actual behaviour
absolutely no audio out. though running speaker test from then command line works properly.
- …
Extra details
Just as a double check that it was not a cinnamon desktop problem, I did a fresh install (on a different ssd) of dietpi and after
the initial setup steps used dietpi software to install a mate desktop. (after verifying that .asoundrc was correct ) saw the exact same thing, onboard audio selected but no output in the speaker test using the mate audio app. Command line worked fine.