SOLVED - No Plex Option for RasPi 2?

I want to install Plex onto a RasPi 2 v1.2 and the Plex (42) option is missing from the optimized software list.

Is that because Plex is not supported by DietPi on the RasPi 2 or am I doing something wrong?


Hmm, it is not supported on ARMv6, thus RPi1/Zero, but RPi2 should be ARMv7. I have one myself PCB v1.1 and it is ARMv7.

Could you paste: uname -m

You can also run dietpi-software install 42 if it’s simply hard to find :wink:.

Well mystery solved and unfortunately, I only have a Model B+ v1.2 and NOT a RasPi 2 Model B v1.2

I bought it used on eBay back in March, it was listed as a Raspberry Pi 2 Model B v1.2 and when it arrived I saw it had just “Raspberry Pi Model B+ v1.2” and I thought that was just how the 2’s came labelled.

It sat on my shelf for 3 months and when I tried to load Plex it didn’t even show up in the DietPi listing. (I looked carefully, it skips right past 42 in the media section.)

Oh well, I have an extra Model B and it cost me $20 so it’s not the end of the world.

Thanks for your help.