[SOLVED] How to install vlc? no DE, just console

So I just want to have VLC running on boot. But I encountered an issue and don’t know what to do.

Using RaspiOS Lite I have no issue. But with Diet Pi there is something else to do and I’m not sure what it is.

Im using the Raspberry pi 4. Diet Pi 7.4. Using a user created by me:

sudo useradd -m username
usermod -aG sudo username

This is the output of cvlc:

[b21459b0] main video output error: video output creation failed
[b26235f8] main decoder error: failed to create video output
error: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set in the environment.
error: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set in the environment.
[aa8056b8] gles2 generic error: parent window not available
[aa807048] mmal_xsplitter vout display error: Failed to open Xsplitter:opengles2 module
[aa8056b8] xcb generic error: window not available
[aa807048] mmal_xsplitter vout display error: Failed to open Xsplitter:xcb_x11 module
[aa8056b8] mmal_vout generic error: VCSM init fail
[aa807048] mmal_xsplitter vout display error: Failed to open Xsplitter:mmal_vout module
[aa807048] mmal_xsplitter vout display: No valid output found for vout (VDV0/VDV0)

Any help is appreciated.


adding the user to the ‘video’ group is enough.

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I guess you would need to add the user to the video user group

Just in case VLC uses DRM and direct audio card access:

usermod -aG video,render,audio username

Wow… its funny because I had an issue with the audio and solved it adding the user to the audio group but this time didn’t thought adding the user to the video group xD

Yeah that worked. Thanks!!

Now I just need to figure out how to make VLC use mmal decoder. Will mark this as solved.

After the last Dietpi update my cvlc script stopped working. The solution worked for me also. Thanks!
It should be as follows
sudo usermod -aG video,render,audio username

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