So I just want to have VLC running on boot. But I encountered an issue and don’t know what to do.
Using RaspiOS Lite I have no issue. But with Diet Pi there is something else to do and I’m not sure what it is.
Im using the Raspberry pi 4. Diet Pi 7.4. Using a user created by me:
sudo useradd -m username
usermod -aG sudo username
This is the output of cvlc:
[b21459b0] main video output error: video output creation failed
[b26235f8] main decoder error: failed to create video output
error: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set in the environment.
error: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set in the environment.
[aa8056b8] gles2 generic error: parent window not available
[aa807048] mmal_xsplitter vout display error: Failed to open Xsplitter:opengles2 module
[aa8056b8] xcb generic error: window not available
[aa807048] mmal_xsplitter vout display error: Failed to open Xsplitter:xcb_x11 module
[aa8056b8] mmal_vout generic error: VCSM init fail
[aa807048] mmal_xsplitter vout display error: Failed to open Xsplitter:mmal_vout module
[aa807048] mmal_xsplitter vout display: No valid output found for vout (VDV0/VDV0)
Any help is appreciated.
adding the user to the ‘video’ group is enough.