Samba server write speed

I am running a Rpi 4 system with POE Hat on, using Dietpi v 9.7.1. I have installed open media vault. The system has an attached external HDD connected via USB and having an ext4 file system. The connected to LAN is wired.
I uploaded some files to the SMB server from a laptop that was also connected to LAN wired. The speed was not more than 11 M/byte. I have read in several places that is happening. What i would like to ask is that the above set up (wired Poe HAT, usb attached HDD) could be responsible for that low speed or there is something i can do to improve speed.
Thank you!

This might be a stupid question, but is it possible that you are using a 100 Mbit ethernet cable?

11 Mbyte/s sounds awfully close to the practical limit of a 100 Mbit ethernet cable.

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I have checked it:cable is ok.
However i have found problem: the switch the rp is attached to had a setting that acted as bottleneck. (Extended mode for long cables), switched it off and SMB upload speed is 110MB/s
Thanks for the input.