RPi Zero W Roon Bridge


I am trying to make RPi Zero W work like a Roon Bridge.
I installed successfully DietPi on it, made WiFi work but could not install Roon Bridge software from menu.
I tried the command: dietpi-software install 121
which seemed that Roon Bridge was installed but finally not functioning.
Can you please help me on that? What am I missing?

Thank you!


Roon Bridge is not available for ARMv6 devices. This includes all Raspberry Pi 1’s and Zero’s.

Unfortunately, this is out of our hands as Roon do not offer ARMv6 binaries at this time. Only ARMv7 (RPi 2/3), ARM64 (Odroid C2) and x86_64 (PC)


Thank you for your answer Fourdee!!
Is there also a problem with Squeezelite as well?
I tried to use Roon with Squeezelite client & it didn’t work either…

It should be fine with SqueezeLite. Once installed from dietpi-software, lets check service status:

systemctl status squeezelite -l

And in Roon, make sure SqueezeBox support is enabled. Settings > Setup

If still problems, let me know.