
I accidentally updated the kernel on my pi4 to 5.4. It broke a few things that the foundation admits to. When I tried to downgrade I found out that rpi-update is not included in DietPi.

Is there another way?
I still have a copy of DietPi on a SD card that I used to make the Pi USB/HD bootable; What would I need to copy from it and not lose all my setup stuff.


many thanks for your request. You simply can install rpi-update if needed

apt install rpi-update


Yeah, I installed rpi-update from apt. Problem is I am running headless and the ethernet connection crashes too frequently to run it!

So, what I did was edit cmdline.txt and started using the SD card to boot and the HDD for root. Worked good until I had to use DietPi-software to add an app. That triggered a full-upgrade which reinstalled kernel 5.4.

Kernel 5.4 turns my Pi4 into a boat anchor by killing at least 1 core and doing something to the USB and ethernet. Oddly, I have 2 PCs that are running kernel 5.4 just fine.

Yes dietpi-software is going to trigger apt update && apt upgrade, always. Looks like there are some issues with the new Raspberry OS Kernel 5.4. You could try to exclude packages from being upgrade by apt

apt-mark hold <package>

Be prepared! Everybody with a PI4 that downloads new software will be killing their machine until the new kernel is fixed. There does not seem to be much urgency at the foundation, they knew about the problem several days before they pushed it. Now all you get is warnings to not pester them about it.

I don’t know if the problem extends to the Pi3. It seems to have something to do with USB 3.0/ethernet.

There are more issues on the new kernel. Honestly I’m don’t understand why the foundation released such a buggy kernel.

Is https://github.com/raspberrypi/rpi-update safe to use with DietPi? It is not in the debian repository. Their README.md says:

This is only intended for use with Raspberry Pi OS. If you are using a different distribution then check with the maintainers if using rpi-update is safe

It is meant to be installed by

sudo curl -L --output /usr/bin/rpi-update https://raw.githubusercontent.com/raspberrypi/rpi-update/master/rpi-update && sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/rpi-update

May I safely try it with latest DietPi? It seems they are on 6.1.32, my DietPi kernel is 6.1.21 now.

you are using Raspberry Pi device? if yes,

apt install rpi-update
root@DietPi:/home# apt install rpi-update
Leyendo lista de paquetes... Hecho
Creando árbol de dependencias... Hecho
Leyendo la información de estado... Hecho
E: No se ha podido localizar el paquete rpi-update

can’t find rpi-update

Which SBC you are running? This is working on Raspberry Pi only.

Working now. Had to change apt repository mirror from custom es to global via dietpi-config. Now installs ok.

I’m running DietPi v8.19.1 on a RPi 4 Model B (aarch64)

I get this warning when running rpi-update:

Partition size 128M may not be sufficient for new Pi4 files
This could result in a system that will not boot.
256M FAT partition is recommended. Ensure you have a backup if continuing.
Would you like to proceed? (y/N)