RPi 3A+ activity led always on (RPi 3B off)

RPi 3A+ activity led always on (RPi 3B off)


First, my thanks for DietPi. Great work.

Yesterday, I have updated my DietPi setups from v9.9.0 to v9.10.0.

I have also migrated to new Raspberry Pi kernel/firmware for all my RPi’s 3B, RPi’s 3A+, RPi 4 and RPi.

RPi’s 3 (b & A+) - Linux 6.1.21-v8+ #1642- > Linux 6.6.74+rpt-rpi-v8 #1
RPi4 - Linux 6.1.21-v8+ #1642 - > Linux 6.6.74+rpt-rpi-v8 #1
RPi - Linux 6.1.21+ #1642 - > Linux 6.6.74+rpt-rpi-v6 #1

After the update, activity led (green one) from all my RPi’s 3A+ (4 of them) stay always on. As a result, I have both leds always on (red – power and green - activity).

Also, after the update, activity led (green one) from all my RPi’s 3B (2 of them) stay always off (no blinking during normal operation). As a result, I have only power led always on. During boot, green led blinks for some time them goes off.

All RPi’s are working OK (processing BOINC data, remote access, …).

My RPi 4 behaves normally (red – power always on and green - activity blinking during disk access).

Also, my Asus TB behaves normally after v9.9.0 to v9.10.0 update ( red – power always on and green - activity blinking during disk access).

I have also checked LED setting in dietpi-config.

In a RPi 3 have changed option “2 PWR” from “input” to “default-on” (similar to RPi 3A+ and RPi 4 settings) but got the same result.

I have used option “Reset all LED triggers” in one RPi 3A+. After reboot, I got the same result.

Please ask, if you need any additional information or action.

Than you.

Best regards

Paulo Reis

Any update on this? I have 6 Rpi 3B+s that do that same thing (both lights always on) after updating to v9.11.2.

@Barry_Gear you are running kernel 6.6 as well?

At least this has nothing to do with our DietPi scripts. I might be related to a RPi kernel update.

ok I did some tests with an old RPi3B+ image. And indeed it is related to the RPI kernel version. A simple update to the latest DietPi version does not change the functionality. Everything still works perfectly. However, upgrading to kernel 6.6 has some effects. It seems that the ACT LED no longer reacts to hard disk activity and is constantly on. However, you can still turn it off. At least on my system.