RPi 3A+ activity led always on (RPi 3B off)
First, my thanks for DietPi. Great work.
Yesterday, I have updated my DietPi setups from v9.9.0 to v9.10.0.
I have also migrated to new Raspberry Pi kernel/firmware for all my RPi’s 3B, RPi’s 3A+, RPi 4 and RPi.
RPi’s 3 (b & A+) - Linux 6.1.21-v8+ #1642- > Linux 6.6.74+rpt-rpi-v8 #1
RPi4 - Linux 6.1.21-v8+ #1642 - > Linux 6.6.74+rpt-rpi-v8 #1
RPi - Linux 6.1.21+ #1642 - > Linux 6.6.74+rpt-rpi-v6 #1
After the update, activity led (green one) from all my RPi’s 3A+ (4 of them) stay always on. As a result, I have both leds always on (red – power and green - activity).
Also, after the update, activity led (green one) from all my RPi’s 3B (2 of them) stay always off (no blinking during normal operation). As a result, I have only power led always on. During boot, green led blinks for some time them goes off.
All RPi’s are working OK (processing BOINC data, remote access, …).
My RPi 4 behaves normally (red – power always on and green - activity blinking during disk access).
Also, my Asus TB behaves normally after v9.9.0 to v9.10.0 update ( red – power always on and green - activity blinking during disk access).
I have also checked LED setting in dietpi-config.
In a RPi 3 have changed option “2 PWR” from “input” to “default-on” (similar to RPi 3A+ and RPi 4 settings) but got the same result.
I have used option “Reset all LED triggers” in one RPi 3A+. After reboot, I got the same result.
Please ask, if you need any additional information or action.
Than you.
Best regards
Paulo Reis