[REQ] Android PC Emulator - Tablet becomes Home Automation box/dashboard


in regard of this request (that should also be used separately) could you give us a new Dietpi .iso VM to allow installation of DietPi on the Limbo PC Virtual Machine.

As I know raspbian and/or armbian could be use on this kind of PC Emulator we could appreciate to be able to use DietPi on the Limbo PC Emulator. It will then allow us to use DietPi on a tablet that could be used as (previously said) Home Automation box with a touch display for its (Crouton) dashboard (or other dashboard system).

Sincerely thank you to take this soon in consideration.

Have a Merry Christmas.


Thanks for your request. Indeed a VM emulator for Android is an interesting thing.

I opened an issue on GitHub: https://github.com/Fourdee/DietPi/issues/2372
and opened it on our new FeatHub page as well: https://feathub.com/Fourdee/DietPi/+30


What about the two needed programs :

  • Moquette + Crouton
  • Freedomotics

Do you have the intention to offer it to us ?

Sincerely thank you.

Have a Happy New Year :wink:


I did not add all requests to the FeatHub page (or GitHub), just went down the list to do a start. Please feel free to add your other software requests there.

As you can see, we have many more requests than we can handle in reasonable time :wink:. For this reason I just added DietPi to FeatHub to have a better overview and being able to better set priorities.

Since we have limited man power and coding time, best thing one can do to push a request: Do a start and open a pull request on GitHub, if you already managed to install it on your system through terminal. Every support/contribution is highly appreciated and we will help and guide you on open PRs, if required.
Hint about how to add new software to DietPi-Software: https://github.com/Fourdee/DietPi/issues/490#issuecomment-244416570

Hi guys, I wanted to ask something.
I was considering the possibility to run a home automation network around a DietPi-based system as well. However, I wanted to know something first.
I’m planning to install said network in this house I’m looking to buy in Greece. Since it’s abroad and in a warm country, I want a system that’ll allow me to do both remote surveillance/control stuff such as getting alerts if someone breaks in, and to control the house while I’m here with functions such as controlling the A/C, rolling curtains and music/video appliances.

Is it too ambitious to base it on a Raspberry 3B+, or should I run DietPi on an emulator on something more powerful, or just ditch the DietPi idea and go for something more appropriate?
