Hey, this is a silly quality of life hack but I’d like to solve a quick problem for myself by cherry picking an old file from an earlier version of Prowlarr and modifying a second to work with it. Basically prowlarr told me I can’t automate something that used to work flawlessly and it’s open source so I’m re-automating it. However since it’s not a runtime language and the pi-4 probably can’t handle dot-net6-sdk… Do I simply compile it for linux-arm64 or make it self contained? I was looking at the dietpi repo and in this case I believe it’s just a link to download the tar.gz of prowlarr I wasn’t sure if it was also taking the runtime or using a centralized runtime for all the “arr’s”
I don’t need code help, just some advice on if i need to include the runtime releases in the new compile. Also, would something like “inotify-tools” work to watch the app for updates, and if when it updates just run a recompile script? or is there a better dietpi way?
Thanks in advance for any advice you have!!